Medicine Cabinet and survival medicines

Oscillococcinium for flu-like symptoms
---------------------------------------Revised 02/08/2021
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Digestive enzymes
Cafffeine pills
Salt stick
Dental pain relief: hurricaine topical anesthesic gel
Tea tree oil
Prepper Medicine cabinet locks
Nano silver 10ppm effective against Ebola according to 2009 study
Thieves oil: legend has it that it kept thieves free from disease during the Plague
Peppermint oil
Bayer Aspirin packets convenient for first aid kits
Orgaic frankincense and myrrh set
Happy Preppers site for survivalists + preppers
Are fish antibiotics safe for humans?
Activated charcoal
When there's no doctor
Survival Medicine Handbook
Prepper's medicine cabinet -medical supplies for long term survival
Ammonia inhalants
Christopher's Infection fighting Formula
Fresh Green Black Walnut Wormwood Complex
Melatonin - natural sleep aid
lavender essential oil
Prepper Deal Alerts Check
daily deals for prepping
gear and food storage.

#18: SaltStick caps Plus (hydration).
Did you know you can avoid cramping during and after long
distance and high elevation hikes? Trusted by marathon runners,
SaltStick buffered electrolyte salts plus caffeine and sodium,
pictured at the bottom of the page, will give preppers on the
move an edge.

In addition to reducing muscle cramping, these totally vegetarian
capsules reduce heat stress, maintain electrolyte levels and
increase energy levels. It's a great
bugout-bag item or for

#19: Tea Tree oil (external use only).
Tea Tree Essential Oil, pictured right, is best known as a very
powerful immune stimulant. It's a powerful anti-fungal and
disinfectant for topical use only. It can help to fight all three
categories of infectious organisms (bacteria, fungi, and viruses),
and there is evidence that Tea Tree Oil massages prior to an
operation may help to fortify the body and reduce post-operative
shock. Tea Tree Oil can help with colds, measles, sinusitis and
viral infections.  

Tea tree oil is very penetrating oil to help cure infections and
boils, and even seep through toenails. It's great for athletes
foot! Learn more about
tea tree oil benefits.

  • Do NOT ingest tea tree oil! You may wind up in the
    hospital. Some apply tea tree oil sparingly to sores in the
    mouth and on lips, but this is a deadly concoction to some
    and not worth the risk for others. Never ingest tea tree oil!

#20: Thieves Oil (pandemics).
Steal this idea: use thieves oil to help prevent infections. Is
there merit in the theory about Thieves oil?

  • Upper respiratory support: In the Survival Medicine
    Handbook: A Guide for When Help is Not on the Way by
    Joseph Alton M.D. and Amy Alton ARNP, they recommend
    stocking Thieves Oil! (Page 78) for upper respiratory

Nature's medicine cabinet
Interested in natural prepper medicines and homeopathic
solutions? Preppers also stock a variety of home remedies,
salves, unconventional medicines, and essential oils for survival:

  • Aloe vera. Aloe will provide soothing natural relief from

  • Camphor. Use camphor on acne, cuts, and insect bites. As
    well, camphor is used in aromatherap  baths, cold
    compresses, facial steams, massage, and diffusers.

  • Doctor Christopher's Infection fighting Formula. Doctor
    Christopher's Infection Formula provides added peace of
    mind during the flu season. Get through pandemic situations
    knowing you're charging your family with infection fighting

  • Echinacea. A medicinal powerhouse and secret of Native
    Americans, echinacea has been popular as an anti-viral and
    antibacterial sold to help fight symptoms of cold and flu.

  • Elderberry. Proven effective for use against swine and avian
    flu, elderberry extract is manufacturered as Sambucol. Safe
    and effective for kids, there are no known side effects.

  • Epsom Salts. Discover the medicinal uses of Epsom salts,
    including how Epsom salts help flush out toxins from the
    body, improve absorption of nutrients, and even soothe
    aching muscles.

  • Hydrogen Peroxide. As a first aid essential, hydrogen
    peroxide can help prevent infection in minor cuts, scrapes
    and burns. It may also be used as an oral debriding agent.
    It can aid in removing phlegm, mucus or other secretions
    associated with a sore mouth. Stock hydrogen peroxide in
    your prepper's medicine cabinet and learn more about
    applications for your survival.

  • Peppermint oil. Peppermint oil is great for your health, and
    you'll keep pesky little critters away. Spiders hate
    peppermint oil and rodents too! 100% peppermint oil will
    burn their little nostrils!

Considering that stress and poor nutrition along with reduced
hygiene and total lack of medical care are very real threats to
your health during a catastrophe, it's wise to prepare; however,
for any health or dietary matter, consult your Doctor well in
advance of needing to use any of these products. This medicine
cabinet supply list is intended for long-term storage and use only
for a scenario where a pharmacy and medical professional
network is unavailable.*

Happy endings...
What's in your medicine cabinet? It's better to have medicine
(and not use it) than to need medicine (and not have it)!         
The medical supplies for long term survival you stock today can
save your life tomorrow.

Emergency Medical Technicians, nurses and doctors have one
common shortcoming: much of their power to heal and save lives
becomes useless without support of medicine and medical
supplies. And therein lies the reality: eventually medicines and
supplies will run out in the end of the world as we know it.

Related articles...

Other essential oil articles you may like to read...
* These prepper medicines are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. For
any health or dietary matter, always consult your physician. This information is intended for your
general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or treatment for
specific medical conditions. Never disregard or delay in seeking medical advice when available.

Prepare to live happily ever after with us at - the emergency
preparedness Web site of prepping, survival,
homesteading, and self-sufficiency.
Vitamin A
Potassium Iodide is a prepper medicine often overlooked and yet
essential to take if radiation is imminent. The problem is that
when you need it, likely it's limited or unavailable when health
officials notify the public of exposure and urgency. Potassium
Iodide capsules, pictured above, can help maintain a high level of
beneficial iodides in the thyroid gland. Potassium Iodide supports
the body's normal detoxification processes, including the removal
of heavy metals, though it's not a cure for radiation sickness.

#15: Melatonin (sleep aid).
Many preppers stash coffee and tea for survival. They need also
stock something to help them fall asleep: Melatonin. During a
crisis, your mind could be hyper alert with thoughts keeping you
awake at night, but without adequate sleep you may not be able
to follow through on an effective strategy of survival. That's
where Melatonin comes into play. Melatonin by Nature's Bounty,
pictured right, is great for people experiencing occasional
sleeplessness, those with jet lag, or anyone seeking to improve
their quality of rest.

On the flip side to stay awake...

  • Caffeine (alertness and energy aid). Caffeine supplements
    will help you stay awake and five-hour energy boosters may
    help provide the endurance you need to protect your family
    or meet another critical survival need.

#16: MiroLAX stool softener (constipation relief).
You'll be eating foods you're not used to eating, so consider that
bowel movements may fluctuate more often.
Miralax, pictured
right,  is a stool softener to help you get through eating too
much freeze dried food. Prescription strength MiraLAX stool
softener relieves occasional constipation and softens stool. It
increases frequency of bowel movements. Dissolves in any

#17: Oregano Oil (an antiflammatory and more).
Packed with protection against bed bugs, fleas, lice, even
mosquitoes, and tape worm!
Oregano oil is also effective against
vaginal infections, cold and flu, and a host of other homeopathic
#3: Antibiotics ~ Fish Mox (amoxicillin).
Are fish antibiotics safe for humans? The role of antibiotics in
modern day is immeasurable.
FishMox is the primary brand of
amoxicillin (antibiotic) stocked by some preppers for extreme
catastrophic situations where a doctor or when medicines
intended for humans are not available. Amoxicillin treats bacterial
infections, but also presents a severe allergic reaction in some
people which is sudden, intense and possibly deadly.

Consult your doctor about FishMox* to see if this option is right
for you and your family in a survival situation when prescription
antibiotics will be hard to come by after a societal collapse.
Remember, this antibiotic is intended for fish, not humans, but
may be the only antibiotic available in uncertain times when a
doctor is not available. Stock Fish Mox, but do not use it under
ordinary circumstances, and do not stock it without consulting a
doctor, nurse or pharmacist. Learn the proper dose for your
bodyweight before you ever need it and discuss your family's
history of allergies! This is the value a medical professional can

#4: Anti-diarrheal.
An important prepper medicine to stock is an over the counter
anti-diarrheal. It doesn't matter whether you stock a brand name
or a generic, like
Kirkland Anti-Diarrheal:

  • Kirkland Anti-diarrheal includes the active ingredient
    (Loperamide HCI 2mg.), but at a much lower cost.

#5: Antihistamine allergy medicine (e.g., Benadryl).
Benadryl is diphenhydramine, the brand name of antihistamine
allergy medicine. Since 1946 Benadryl has been providing
temporary relief of seasonal and perennial allergy symptoms.
Most notably, taking an antihistamine such as diphenhydramine
(Benadryl) provides a measure of relief against bee stings.

#6: Aspirin (painkiller).
Aspirin isn't for everyone, but it's a good idea to stock it in your
first aid kits and medicine cabinet as aspirin can help save your
life during a heart attack*. It's also an everyday pain reliever.
Much more than a painkiller, you'll find many more reasons to
aspirin in your preps. For your bugout bag, pack aspirin in
small packets, pictured immediate right.

    * It's important to note that aspirin products mixed with
    other substances are not suitable for use in preventing heart
    attacks. As an example, Bristol-Myers' Excedrin contains the
    stimulant caffeine, but Bayer does not. Ask your doctor
    about using Bayer in your aspirin regimen.

#7: Boiron Oscillococcinum (Homeopathic flu
Boiron Oscillococcinum is a homeopathic product for flu-like
symptoms. Boiron Oscillococcinum, pictured right, temporarily
relieves flu-like symptoms such as body aches, headache, fever,
chills and fatigue.

Oscillococcinum does not cause drowsiness or interact with other
medications. The sweet-tasting pellets dissolve quickly under the
tongue; and doesn't require water, chewing or swallowing.

Recommended for everyone ages 2 and up, Oscillococcinum works
best when taken at the first sign of flu-like symptoms.

#8: Colloidal Silver (natural antibiotic).
A powerful natural antibiotic, anti-bacterial, antifungal, and anti-
viral, Colloidal Silver soothes a number of skin ailments, including
soothing burns, minimize scarring, relieving herpes sores, and
medicating boils, ringworm or warts!

Colloidal Silver is a mineral with wildly debated medical claims,
but preppers agree it is a necessary item in the medicine cabinet.
According to the manufacturer of Ultra Pure Colloidal Silver
Best Antibiotic, "There is no known disease causing
organism that can live in the presence of even minute traces of
Colloidal Silver. Colloidal Silver is used to treat a wide range of
diseases and infections, both internally and externally."  

The big pharmaceutical companies don't appreciate these claims,
and the Federal Drug Administration isn't on board either and so
colloidal silver gets a bad rap.

While we don't think anyone should self medicate, there may be a
time in the future you may be faced in desperation to cure a
disease. Preppers pack colloidal silver in their personal pharmacy
because it is a natural antibiotic available without a prescription.
It serves as an alternative when prescribed antibiotics are not
available and infection is life threatening. Preppers also
appreciate versatility of a prep.

#9: Digestive enzymes (Enzyme supplement,
digestive aid).
Your stomach won't be quite the same after your diet changes.
Many a backpacker has overdosed on freeze dried food and can
testify to this. Digestive enzymes will help restore your body's
proper balance.  Probiotics are good, healthy bacteria that are
known to reduce occasional gas, bloating, and improve immune

#10: Frankincense (natural immune booster).
Since biblical times, Frankincense oil has been known as the 'Gift
of Kings.' While it has a myriad of skin healing properties (it can
heal small cuts and incisions, reduce inflammation, reduce the
appearance of scars), this treasured essential oil can also help
fight infection and boost immunity.

#11: Fresh Green Black Walnut Wormwood Complex
(treats parasites).
Fresh Green Black Walnut Wormwood Complex is a bizarre
addition to the list of survival medicines. This powerful extract is
derived from the hulls of green black walnuts, and has been used
for centuries as an herbal tonic to promote healthy microbial
activity. Preppers use it for getting rid of parasites!

During a survival situation, you may be hunting and unable to
provide a stable source of fresh drinking water. Have a plan to
clear parasites out of the body with Fresh Green Black Walnut
Wormwood Complex. This centuries old herbal tonic to promotes
healthy microbial activity and comes highly recommended by
Patriot Nurse in a survival situation for those who plan on hunting.

#12: Goldenseal (immune support).
Popular as antifungal and antibacterial, Goldenseal root promotes
a healthy immune system. Goldenseal, also called Indian turmeric
or "ginseng's little brother" by the Cherokee, has potent medicinal
properties. It can kill germs on contact particularly in mucus
membranes and not get absorbed in the blood stream, which can
be advantageous for many, but can make blood pressure
fluctuate, so check with your health care practitioner. It's also
used as a digestive aid and studies are underway for using
goldenseal to support healing of cancer.

#13: Hurricaine (tooth pain relief).
Nothing bites worse than tooth pain! Hurricaine topic gel,
pictured  right, will anesthetize muscle tissue to provide
temporary relief in discomfort in teeth and gums. In the old days,
the agony of dental pain was among the top causes of suicide.
This medication will be a godsend for the day
when a dentist is
not available.

#14: IOSAT (Potassium Iodide Tablets).
Stockpiling Iosat Potassium Iodide, which has been FDA -pproved
since 1982, is highly recommended by health officials worldwide
to prevent thyroid cancer of anyone exposed to radioactive iodine
following a nuclear reactor accident or detonation of a nuclear

Radioactive iodine can travel hundreds of miles downwind, such
as it did after the Chernobyl and Fukushima disasters. The thyroid
is the only part of the body that absorbs and stores iodine.

By taking FDA approved potassium iodide prior to exposure of
radioactive iodine, your thyroid will become saturated with safe,
stable iodine. This will prevent your thyroid's absorption of any
additional iodine (radioactive or not) long enough for the
radioactive iodine inhaled or ingested to be safely dispersed
through the kidneys. This
teensy pill could save your life!
Prepper Medicine Cabinet
Top prepper medicines to stock for survival

When there is no doctor and when there is no medicine, what then?
Survival medicine is doing what you can with what you have.
Make sure you have something to work with when the rest of the
world runs out!

If you're passionate about your survival, consider asking your
physician now for extra prescription medicines and antibiotics, so
you don't have to rely on
fish antibiotics or be at the whim of
what you can find in a black market.

Stocking up on medicines just might save a life: yours!

Top prepper medicines to stock for survival
Looking for medical supplies for long term survival? Below are
popular survival medicines for your prepper's medicine cabinet...

#1: Activated Charcoal Tablets (toxin adsorption*).
Activated charcoal is the black magic potion the prepper's
medicine bag. We're not talking Kingsford here (don't use
chemically laden charcoal briquettes): the recommended medicine
for your cabinet is a specially
activated charcoal. While activated
charcoal has many uses (from teeth whitening to reducing your
cholesterol) its ideally suited for preppers as an emergency toxin
removal. Activated charcoal, through a
dsorption, traps toxins in
the body to help flush them out. Another of the major benefits of
activated charcoal is that it helps alleviate gas and bloating.

Make way for Nature's Way Activated Charcoal capsules, pictured
left. Nature's Way Activated Charcoal (from Indian Hardwood) is
commonly used to adsorb* digestive gas. It also protects the
body from overdosing on harmful toxic substances. Due to its
large surface area, activated charcoal has high adsorption
properties, meaning that it keeps certain substances from being
absorbed in the body's gastrointestinal tract.

    * Note: adsorption, not absorption, refers to adhesion of
    atoms, ions, molecules from a dissolved solid, liquid or gas.
    The adsorption process flushes poison and toxins from the

#2: Ammonia Inhalant (smelling salts).
Ammonia Inhalant, pictured right, is a modern day version of
"smelling salts." It's intended as a product to arouse patients
who've fainted. An often overlooked prep, you will be happy to  
know you can revive someone to save their life with a swift
measure of ammonia inhalant.
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