honey survival uses

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Manuka honey for survival
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Clover Honey 12 lbs bucket
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Manuka honey is more than four times nutrient dense than other kinds of
honey. Dr. Axe advises taking no more than one tablespoon of Manuka honey
at a time, and even better to divide the dosage of one teaspoon, twice a day.

Using honey is a skill as there are many survival and wellness uses
for this amazing gift of nature. The most important thing to know in
prepping about honey is that there's really only one kind of honey
to use for survival: Manuka Honey!

Raw Manuka Honey is a superfood is used for home remedies, and
provides energy for active lifestyles. Wedderspoon Monofloral
Manuka Honey from New Zealand is raw, never pasteurized, Non-
GMO Project verified Manuka Honey. As the honey crystals dissolve
on your tongue, you'll note earthy notes and caramelized sugars
with hints of pepper and ginger. Best of all there's no need to
refrigerate once opened! Use this honey medicinally and as food.

Happy endings...
The benefits of honey extend beyond the taste! Now you know,
honey, why you should stockpile honey in the prepper's pantry. Not
only will it serve you well for food, but it has its place in the
medicine cabinet. You'll feel healthier come allergy season, so stock
up now on the local varieties and on Manuka honey. The benefits of
honey in prepping are endless and particularly manuka honey is
important because of its medicinal value to preppers.

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food." ~ Hippocrates

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Raw Manuka Honey
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Above is a simple cold and flu remedy made with honey and ginger to
help you keep the winter bugs at bay.

That honey can help boost your immune system can help your
survival as can this little known fact...

Reason #6: Honey is an energy booster.
Get an energy lift from honey! Nature's secret is a mix of
enzymes, amino acids and antioxidants Honey, absolutely can
help you with survival by giving you more energy. Honey also
packs carbohydrates, but Raw honey in particular has a high
nutritive value, and provides a natural energy boost, like sugar.

It seems odd that honey is an energy booster when we tell you
next that honey can help you sleep...

Reason #7: Honey helps you sleep, too?
It's true that honey offers you a boost of energy, but did you
know you need energy to help you sleep? Think of honey as
nature's energy booster for more restful sleep. Your body needs
the energy to rebuild cells.

Suffering from insomnia? Honey is helpful resource as a sleep
aid depending on how you use it. Here are two excellent ways
to help you catch some Z:

  • Tea and honey. Pair honey with an herbal tea for a
    calming effect. Honey has calming properties that you can
    draw out with some herbal tea.

  • Honey and milk. Sleep like a baby with this age old
    remedy honey milk:
  • 6 oz warm milk
  • 1 drop vanilla extract
  • 1 teaspoon honey

Reason #8: Honey helps with allergies.
Certainly honey is a miraculous and wonderful substance with
medicinal uses for colds and flu, but honey may help relieve
allergies as well! On the theory that honey acts as a sort of
vaccine or immune therapy, you take honey which has small
doses of pollen in it. Over time, the pollen sensitivity you had
dissipates and you build immunity to the allergens.

The catch is the honey must be local, and you must consume a
spoonful a day to help build your immunity to local allergens.
Finally, you must believe that it will reduce your allergies!
Honey may well be the sweet cure for allergies or it may just be
the power of your positive thinking. If you're an allergy sufferer,
you'll give it a shot. Over time your body learns to deal with
allergens in the local honey.

Honey may simply have a placebo effect to relieve your allergies.

Make sure to get honey with local pollen in it!
Did you know some honey filters the pollen? Honey with filtered
pollen is not really honey, or so says foodsafetynews.com who
provides a
list of honey without pollen. Without pollen present,
there's no way to evaluate safety. The high-filtering process
caused a stir when Chinese manufacturers refined their honey
so much to disguise the illegal antibiotics inside. The reason
pollen is so important is that it contains antioxidants and
enyzmes, which add to the medicinal properties.

With more than 1100 brands of honey available in the United
States, it's hard to tell which ones have the pollen removed,
until we get proper labeling. In the meantime, consult the list
above. Also, know that local farmer's market style honey is
extremely good, as well as Manuka honey is the best honey for
medicinal purposes.

Reason #9: Honey is a Preservative.
In its original state, honey is a preservative. The ancient
Egyptians recognized this and not only used honey to preserve
foods, but they used honey for embalming. They use honey as a
paste to put on wounds and also recognized the healing powers
of this amazing substance.

So how can you use this knowledge as a prepper?
Think of using honey to help you preserve your dehydrated fruits
and even for preserves. Fruits immersed in honey are less prone
to spoilage! This is because the moisture content in honey is
very low.

Can you catch flies with honey?
You may have heard the expression: "You'll catch more flies
with honey than with vinegar," but nothing could be further from
the truth. Sure, you'll get further in life when you're nice to
others, but it's actually vinegar that will help you catch flies
(and we can't say honey will catch a fly at all).Read more about
vinegar uses for preppers.

Is raw honey more nutritious than other honey?
Raw honey is the most nutritive as it is unheated,unpasteurized
and unprocessed. It's straight from the extractor and in its most
pure and wholesome form; however, raw honey is not without
some concerns. Particles in raw honey may include broken bee
wings and pollen bits and as a result food poisoning (botulism)
may occur. Allergic reactions to raw honey may also happen as
the pollinating bees have been exposed to chemicals in the
flowers where they collected their pollen. Yeast and
fermentation can happen in raw honey, and raw honey may
include Clostridium botulism spores that cause botulism in
severe cases. Below you'll find Raw Honey in a food grade

  • WARNING: Do not feed unpasteurized honey or raw honey
    to infants or children younger than one year of age.

When is honey, not honey?  
The astonishing truth: much of the honey on the market
contains stuff other than honey! Believe it or not, antibiotics
have been found in honey illegally, along with added water and
extenders. For this reason, preppers are picky about the honey
they buy. Honey without pollen isn't really honey... or so says
the United States Food and Drug Administration. Honey, which
has been ultra-filtered and no longer contains pollen, is not
considered to be "real honey." Absence of pollen seems to be
the trigger of concern, as manufacturers aim to remove pollen
to remove evidence of the honey's origin. Namely, most filtered
honey is from China, and has a reputation to be tainted. Some
may be a concoction of syrup from cane, corn sugar, beet sugar,
or rice syrup.

What's the best kind of honey?
Organic honey is a good place to start when looking for the best
brand of honey, and honey in a glass jar also provides a level of
assurance of quality as plastic jars may contain BPAs. Steer
clear of honey made in China as they have unethical practices.  
Below are some wonderful products made of honey

  • Manuka Honey, also above, has an extremely strong
    antibacterial activity. As an antibacterial and healing
    agent, Manuka honey provides treatment for of gastritis
    and ulcers, particularly leg ulcers and sores induced from

  • Nature Cure Bee Caps: Propolis, an ingredient Royal Jelly
    found in Bee Caps, pictured immediate right, has
    antibiotic, antifungal, antiviral and anti-inflammatory

  • Medihoney, pictured at the top left-hand of the page,  is a
    wound paste that provides a moist, occlusive environment
    conducive to optimal wound healing.

  • Bonne Maman Mini Honey Jars. Above you'll find Bonne
    Maman, mini glass jars. This is 100% all natural classic
    mini honey from France is Kosher certified and contains
    natural Vitamin E.

  • Honey from your hive. Become a Beekeeper and make
    your own honey! Consider starting an adventure in

Honey is #27 on the
37 foods to hoard before crisis. Stock up
now while it's still available. Even if you don't eat honey, buy
some honey, honey. Surely honey is a prepper's pantry favorite,
but honey also has a variety of medicinal uses, making it an
ideal prepper resource.

Dr. Axe shares the benefits of Manuka honey:
Survival Honey
Benefits of stockpiling honey for survival

Survival and medicinal uses of honey.
Nectar of the gods and a liquid gold, honey is an amazing
substance and gift to mankind. Coveted through the centuries,
honey has some astonishing health benefits and a history of
odd uses from embalming to a calming sleep aid. In ancient
Rome, people valued honey so much they even paid their taxes
in honey.

Preppers will especially appreciate the survival and medicinal
uses of honey. Below are some of the benefits of honey so
you'll know how to use it in a survival situation...

Benefits of Manuka Honey in Survival
So what is Manuka honey and what makes it so special in
survival? Honey has both antibiotic activity and extra
antibacterial activity.

  • Antibiotic activity: Manuka honey is an antimicrobial. A
    natural occurring compound in Manuka honey is MG and
    hydrogen peroxide that helps to heal and cure infections ~
    other types of honey do not have this special compound.
    Manuka honey is active against bacteria ~ it can inhibit
    the growth of antibiotic-resistant bacteria like
    Staphylococcus aureus or E-coli. Instead of reaching for
    the Neosporin, reach for manuka honey to put on your
    cuts, scraps and burns.

  • Antibacterial activity: An antibacterial inhibits growth.
    Manuka honey inhibits growth of bacteria because it's a
    low-moisture substance and it's acidic. This acidity blocks
    the enzymes that break down the proteins and peptides.
    This allows the body to repair itself. Bacteria cause
    illnesses such as syphilis, tuberculosis, meningitis, cholera
    and can't survive in an acidic environment.

Here are the top reasons preppers should hoard honey...

Reason #1: Honey doesn't expire, honey!
Honey is a shelf-stable survival food and medicine that can
outlast your lifetime! Honey changes slightly over time, but it
remains edible and doesn't ever spoil. Honey from ancient
Egypt was found edible after more than a thousand years after
the ancients carefully placing the honey pots in tombs.

There is a science behind the eternal shelf life of honey,
according to the Smithsonian. One of the main reasons honey
doesn't expire is because it lacks water. Microorganisms can't
survive in low moisture environments, like honey. There are
slew of other factors the Smithsonian says, including presence
of hydrogen peroxide.

Reason #2: Honey is a topical medicinal remedy.
One of the primary survival and medicinal uses of honey is an
antibacterial dressing. Honey is mild acid which limits bacterial
growth making it the ideal barrier against infection.

Manuka honey has extra antibacterial activity because it
contains a strong natural hydrogen peroxide that helps reduce
bacteria. This natural occurring compound in Manuka honey
helps to heal and cure infections ~ other types of honey do not
have this special compound.

Honey is both an antibiotic and antibacterial:

  • Honey is an antibiotic. Generally, antibiotics kill bacteria,
    fungi and parasites, but have no effect on viruses. Ancient
    Egyptians regularly used honey as a barrier against
    infection for wounds and it has grown in popularity in the
    modern era. Egyptians used honey as an antibiotic
    because of its viscosity. Thick and soothing, honey was an
    easy ointment apply like a bandage to help heal a burn
    wound or mend a cut.

  • Honey is an antibactieral. Honey has antibacterial
    qualities, which essentially mans that it protects agains
    damage bacteria may cause. While all antibacterials are
    antibiotics, not all antibiotics are antibacterials, but honey
    is both. In short, honey promotes healing!

How to use honey as a topical medicinal remedy:
There's a healing power to honey that you can use in your
survival medicine cabinet...

  • Heal cuts with honey. Help your wounds heal faster with
    Manuka honey. The dressings of Medihoney can be used in
    all phases of wound healing and could be considered a key
    dressing in any wound bed preparation protocol. Just put
    some manuka honey or medihoney on a gauze and apply
    to the wound.

  • Calm irritate skin with honey. Manuka honey calms
    irritate skin as a topical treatment to help reduce itchiness
    and redness that can be associated with eczema,
    dermatitis, and extremely dry skin.

  • Ease a burning situation with honey. Topically applied,
    manuka honey provides a nutritive element to your skin
    and can decrease inflammation making honey an ideal
    remedy for burns.  

  • Smack some honey on your lips! Honey is a wonderful
    natural moisturizer and lip balm. If you're out of lipbalm
    reach for your tasty manuka honey.

  • Take the bite out with honey. Manuka honey calms and
    reduces swelling caused by mosquito or insect bites and
    stings. Applied topically, manuka honey provides soothing
    relieve to bug bites and stings.

Reason #3: Honey is an oral medicinal remedy.
Honey is medicine you can eat. Because it contains
antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties to fight against
infections, you can use honey medicinally in many ways from
sore throats to nausea and allergies. Below are ways to use
honey as medicine.

How to use honey as an oral medicinal remedy:

  • Soothe a sore throat with honey. Heal a sore throat with
    honey by infusing honey with lemon in hot water as a tea.
    Add a little ginger too if you have it. The University of
    Pennsylvania's Penn Medicine recommends honey as a
    home remedy to kill bacteria and help fight off viral

  • Calm a cough with honey. Grandma was right, a spoonful
    of honey is cough medicine. It may be an old wives' tale,
    but as a cough suppression, honey may well reduce
    phlegm. Take one or two teaspoons of honey at bedtime.
    Honey calms inflamed membranes and this helps
    substantiate the claim that honey helps with a cold!

  • Relieve nausea with honey. Honey can help in two ways
    to relieve nausea:
  1. Honey is a hangover helper. Honey provides remedy
    for a hangover. Loaded with natural fructose, honey
    speeds the metabolism of alcohol.
  2. Honey helps ease morning sickness. Mix honey with
    ginger and lemon to create an elixir that should help
    relieve nausea.

  • Allieviate allergies with honey. A cup of tea infused with
    honey can do wonders for alleviating your allergies,
    especially if you get honey that's locally farmed.

Reason #4: Honey nurtures your skin.
Another way honey can help you in your preps is as facial
cleanser and moisturizer. While you can buy commercial
products with Manuka Honey as a featured ingredient, you can
also make your own product.

  • Manuka honey facial cleanser: Honey is an antibacterial
    and its anti-inflammatory properties also nurtures the
    skin. Also a powerful natural antimicrobial, cleansing your
    face with manuka honey can reduce the growth of bacteria
    on your skin and improve your complexion. A good
    commercial manuka honey facial cleanser is from

  • Manuka honey Moisturizer:  Honey hydrates, nourishes
    and repairs your skin. Greenleaf Naturals Amazing Aloe
    Vera Manuka Honey Moisturing Cream is a creamy formula
    that spreads like silk and absorbs quickly to nourish your
    skin and regenerate skin cells. It includes manuka hnoney
    and aloe vera, also skin-glowing ingredients such as
    avocado oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil, macadamia nut oil,
    kukui nut oil, rosehip seed oil, tamanu oil and Vitamin E
    all to dramatically improve skin’s hydration and

Reason #5: Honey adds flavor to foods.
Fight boredom in the bunker with honey, which adds flavor to
your foods in some surprising ways. Honey is homestead
honey's choice for cornbread and granola ~ it's also an
excellent natural sweetener for plain yogurt. Below are more
ways to add honey to your cuisine:

  • Be oat-standing! We already mentioned granola and
    honey, now try boosting the nutrition of your oatmeal and
    other breakfast grains with honey.

  • Ditch the maple syrup. Honey as a syrup is also delicious
    on pancakes, especially with butter.

  • Honey is a natural for dressings. Whisk a little honey and
    apple-cider vinegar (another popular prepper staple) with
    some olive oil and you're halfway there.

  • Glaze meats with honey. Try honey and lime or honey
    and soy sauce for two distinctly different honey meat

  • Bake honey into breads and dinner rolls. The sweet
    secret is to add just a tad bit of honey into the dough just
    before baking.

  • Twist some honey into pretzels. Pair pretzels with honey
    in your food storage for a sweet and salty taste you'll start
    to crave like salt on watermelon. If you pop the pretzels in
    the fridge overnight and allow the honey to coagulate as a
    coating, then you're in for an extra special treat.

  • Use honey for your canning projects.

  • Try honey powder with your dehydrator. If you
    dehydrate fruits such as apples, apricots or bananas, then
    try some Augason Farms Honey Powder honey. Dunk or
    sprinkle your fruit with the honey powder for added flavor
    and variety.

  • Butter up your honey. Step up a notch o the old corn and
    butter routine and add honeyed butter. It's sure to
    sweeten the deal. The trick: equal parts butter and honey.

  • Add Honey powder to your teas and smoothies: An easy
    way to add honey into your smoothies or teas is with
    honey powder from Augason Farms. While this honey adds
    refinery syrup and fructose to honey and the honey
    powder, it's very easy to reconstitute and ideal for
    emergency food storage or everyday use. You can also mix
    the powder form over buttered toast or mixed into butter.
    Prepared honey (which also mixes well with butter) is
    delicious drizzled on breads, rolls, or muffins

  • Honey replaces cane sugar in many recipes. Honey is
    better for you than refined sugars. Honeycomb is also
    edible if you are lucky enough to have your own hive.

Reason #5: Honey is an Immune System Booster.
Honey certainly eases sore throats and relieves colds but it will
also improve your immunity.

Here are some immune-boosting recipes:
Homemade lavender honey face wash
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