how to use a butterfly bandage

Butterfly Bandage -prepper first aid tutorial
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How to make a butterfly bandage from medical tape
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Butterfly bandage wound closures
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How to use or make a butterfly bandage
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------------------------------------------------- Revised 2/1/21
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As you can see from the illustration above, a butterfly bandage
is easy to make. Before using a butterfly bandage, be sure to
irrigate the wound to clean it. Remember also that the proper
use of a butterfly bandage is for wound closure of short and deep
cuts to pull the skin together to speed healing and to minimize
infection. If the wound is more than two inches you may need
stitches. If the wound has jagged edges, a butterfly bandage is
also not appropriate.

Happy endings...
It's important for preppers to learn how to make and to use a
butterfly bandage properly. Really it's just a matter of having the
knowledge, coupled with the right tools (or improvising them).
Anyone can learn simple first aid.

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Butterfly bandage
How to use a butterfly bandage (and make one)

Prepper first aid tutorial: butterfly bandage.
A butterfly bandage is that strange bandage in your first aid kit
that you're not really sure how to use. Is a butterfly bandage
for your elbows? Is a butterfly bandage for your ankle?

If you're not really sure how to use a butterfly bandage and
think it's to wrap around fingers, your heal or your elbow, no
worries! Many preppers don't know how to use a butterfly
bandage either. Following is a quick tutorial...

How to Use a Butterfly Bandage
For use on cuts that are deep and straight, a butterfly bandage
helps you seal one edge of the broken skin to the other. Think
of a butterfly bandage as a stitch! Its only job is to keep skin
edges together to help speed healing.

First, clean the wound thoroughly!
To use a butterfly bandage, first clean the wound thoroughly,
then use the adhesive of one side of the bandage to pull skin
closer to the other to help close the gap and seal.

This is the most important step for how to use a butterfly
bandage. You see, some medical professionals are beginning to
discourage use of butterfly bandages because of
risk of sepsis.

Next, close the wound.
Now that you've closed the cut, you can place a larger bandage
over the wound to help keep the area clean and to help protect
it from re-injury.

So you see, a butterfly bandage has a unique shape that has
nothing to do about the place of the cut (it's nothing to do with
your elbows or ankles). It's more about the kind of a cut you
have (wounds which are less than two inches wide). For cuts
that are deep and straight (not jagged) use the butterfly
bandage to pull skin back together after you've cleaned the

If you don't have a butterfly bandage in your first aid kit, you
can make one!

How to Improvise a Butterfly Bandage
If you had to improvise a butterfly bandage in the field because
you forgot to include your first aid kit, it's good to know you can
make a butterfly bandage from duct tape. If you have medical
tape, all the better.

How to make a butterfly bandage from medical tape.
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