bugout clothes

Women's Bugout clothes
Concealment netting
------------------------------------------------- Revised 2/1/21
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Tactical pants
Tactical Fleece
Tactical Jacket
Fire resistant clothing ideal for bugout clothes
Fabric spray  for clothing
Mosquito net
Insect repelling long sleeve T-shirt
EMT pants for bugout clothing
Lightweight jacket for backpackers
NRA hat
Rain poncho
Paracord belt
Flame resistant jacket
Two-length Shirt
Teva hikin shoes
bugout socks
Tactical pants
Rotcho 100% Wool Cap
Camo bandanna
Bugout essentials
Camouflage poncho
Bugout top
This bugout shirt repels
mosquitoes, ticks, ants, flies,
chiggers & midges
Get a good pair of hiking boots
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#9: Go Bulletproof? (Maybe!)
In urban settings, you may like to bugout in a bullet proof
helmet or a bullet proof vest or at least have them available in
your bugout vehicle. While having these items might weigh you
down in a bag, they could prove essential in uncertain times. A
fair warning is that they will also make you a target. Again,
you'll look too military! Kevlar is a relatively lightweight option
at only 4.85lbs / 2.2Kg, and you can conceal the vest under
your clothes. Wear helmets only in situations you already
anticipate to be aggressive, such as crossing bridges or
entering tunnels, which are best avoided anyway.

  • Shopping tip: Many online listings will use the term "bullet-
    proof style" -- these are not actually bulletproof. They
    merely have a look consistent with clothing that really is

#10: No provocative attire.
Don't wear short-shorts or have your stomach exposed if you're
a woman.
Look professional. Whether you're male or female,
observe the dress code you have o
n a casual work day. Look
like a professional. And here's the reason why...

  • Women: Don't dress in anything too provocative as with
    short shorts, or you may attract attention from unwanted
    males. Remember, you are packing clothes for a world
    without rule of law and for this reason alone, women
    become targets. Opt for lightweight leggings in hot
    weather or pants that cover the knees. Slips, trips and falls
    happen and so kneecaps should have some protection for
    mishaps. Dress the part of a typical "soccer mom," and
    you'll look non-threatening. In this way you can get out of

  • Men: If you look like the typical working professional, you
    will not appear to be a threat, and you will blend and look
    like the other sheeple. Wear a nice a button down shirt
    (and not a T-shirt) to elevate your status as someone who
    is polished. The EMT pants are a great start to your attire
    because you won't come off looking like a military
    professional. You'll look helpful and non-threatening. Think
    of it as your prepper uniform! If you come bearing down
    with tactical and a full "Duck Dynasty" beard, you may
    come across as threatening. Your goal should be to avoid
    confrontation and get out of Dodge.

Here is a list of essential bugout clothes to pack:

  • Tactical Jacket: Look for a jacket that has plenty of
    layering options and zippers for ventilation and protection
    from the elements.

  • Tactical shirt: With Nyco rip-stop sleeves, the tactical
    shirt has an element of fire retardant -- the vest portion
    resists melting and dripping! Look for jackets and shirts
    with “pit zips”, these allow you to open or close to help
    you regulate whether you want to cool off or warm up.

  • Tactical pants. Sure they are fade, wrinkle, and shrink
    resistant, but the important features are that the tactical
    pants, pictured left, are crafted with a heavy duty double
    seat and double knee. Loaded with pockets they're made
    of DuPont Teflon treatment that resists liquids and stain.

  • Heavy duty work gloves: Packing gloves for warmth is a
    good idea to pack. Heavy duty work gloves are essential to
    your survival as you'll be doing work from carrying fire
    wood and creating shelter. Hatch Specialist All-Weather
    Shooting/Duty Gloves, pictured at below, are idea. Another
    consideration is leather sap gloves, pictured immediate
    right, which will aid in self defense.

  • Sturdy shoes: Good shoes should be on your feet, plus
    extra socks and shoe-laces. Make sure they are not brand
    new shoes or potentially you will have brand new blisters.
    Invest in a good pair of hiking boots, but wear them
    instead of saving them. Right the men's Adidas Terrex
    Hiking Boot is waterproof, has a sockliner for long-term
    cushioning, and has high levels of breathability, moisture
    managing properties, and antimicrobial odor-resistance.

  • Bugout socks (thermal socks, sock liners and hiking
    socks): Experienced backpackers always wear sock liners:
    a thick pair of socks and a thin pair. Learn about the
    importance of socks for survival.  Here are some key
    brands to consider:

  • Bridgedale Ultralight Coolmax Liner Socks.Pictured
    immediate left, the Bridgedale Ultralight Coolmax
    liner socks provide moisture wicking performance for
    dry feet. Aids hygiene and cleanliness to keep feet in
    best possible condition for hiking.

  • HydroSkin G3 Socks. Consider protecting your feet
    with HydroSkin G3 Socks by NRS, pictured at the
    bottom of the page. You'll keep your feet warm
    without bulk. The 0.5-mm neoprene core insulates and
    protects. 4-way-stretch PowerSpan" outer layer gives
    you enhanced mobility and greater HydroSkin socks
    are the ultimate wet shoe liner, providing an extra
    layer of warmth while helping to protect your feet
    from blisters.

  • Hats. You'll need two hats:
  1. A wool hat is essential because it has an ability to
    keep you warm even when wet!
  2. A baseball cap will protect your head from exposure of
    the elements, and will make it easier to see in the
    glare of sunlight. While it's fun to wear your NRA hat,
    this only tells others "I have a gun!" ... which will
    make you a target in bad times. Avoid wearing one in
    a bugout situation. Consider also a sun hat, bandanna
    or Shemagh.
    Hats of any kind will help you prevent tick bites as well.
    (Ticks drop from the trees and bush.)

  • Crosspaq Chest Belt: What if someone steals your bugout
    bag? Wear the CrossPaq low-profile chest belt, pictured
    immediate right, under your clothes to carry last ditch
    bugout essentials, such as water filtration tablets, first aid
    packets, lightweight snares, flint, knives and whatever you
    can think of to fit in the 16 Easy-to-reach pockets.

Bugout bag tip
Use a food saver to vacuum seal clothes! It saves space in the
bugout bag and keeps clothes dry until you need them.

Preppers spend hours on their bugout bags, but often overlook another
essential element of their survival plan: their bugout clothes!

Preppers should have clothes and shoes next to their bugout
bags or already packed inside, so that, time permitting, they
can get into their essential gear. Your bugout clothes should be
ready to go. It's essential to plan your clothing correctly and
also to remember that you may not have time to slip into them

Happy endings....
The clothing you select to wear for bugging out could
dramatically improve your chances for survival. Take heed and
plan your wardrobe now, before disaster strikes and you're cold
and damp, overheated and fatigued, or visible to those could do
harm to you and your family or group.

Take a note from the homeless on clothes because it can have
multiple purposes such as "
rope, bandages, napkins, shelter,
collecting water," (primalsurvivor.net).

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Prepare to live happily ever after with us at happypreppers.com - the emergency
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Bugout Clothes
How to pick the right bugout clothes

Clothes to pack in your bugout bag.
When selecting clothes for your bugout bag, pick active wear that
is nice enough for a casual day at the office. Wear what an
essential worker would wear or an Emergency Medical Technician
Get a wardrobe of outdoor apparel that resists the elements or
can help keep you cool. Skip the military look which will make you
a target in uncertain times.

From head to toe, preppers should plan their bugout clothing to
blend in with society and not to look military. Below are ten
essential considerations for picking your bugout clothes

How to Pack your Bugout Clothes
What clothing will you bring to bug out? Our list may surprise
you. You can pack a few key clothes in your bag to protect you
from the elements. Here are ten considerations for bugout
clothing for preppers and survivalists:

#1: Choose appropriate color of clothing.
When it comes to bugout clothes, color matters.

Should you wear bright colors?
You don't want to wear bright colors in the woods because the
mere vibrancy attracts too much attention.

  • Did you know mosquitoes prefer blue? Who knew?
    According to Bradford Angier, in his book How to stay alive
    in the woods, mosquitoes prefer blue. Because blue is
    "particularly attractive to these pests," you may like to
    choose another color to wear while camping or bugging out.
    Also he divulges that wet clothing is more appealing to
    mosquitoes than dry by about four times as much, so stay
    dry and un-blue to avoid mosquitoes!

What survival gear should you bring?
Should you wear a ghillie suit? Should you wear camouflage?
Tactical clothing?
Re-think a prepper favorite: camouflage.
Wearing camouflage in an urban setting is a mistake because you
may be mistaken for military in urban settings, and if the whole
family is wearing camouflage it will certainly look unusual, and
you all become suspect for having supplies. Avoid looking like a
survivalist who is prepared.
One of the best survival gear clothing
you can bring is a good pair of EMT pants. Pockets in your pants
are valuable storage.

What colors are good?  
Mix your tactical wardrobe with drab olive or grays and navy, so
you get the benefits of tactical camouflage without looking like a
band of military personnel or a survivalists who have something
valuable. Your
bugout bag should also not look too military.
Above, the Bear grylls shirt in drab olive has a sleeve rollup-
option. Black is an excellent color choice because you can fade
away into the night and go most unnoticed.

#2: Pack waterproof clothing.
You'll need to select clothes that have a measure of protection
against the rain and dampness of morning.

Frogg Toggs All Sport Rain Suit, right, is a blend of non-
woven materials that provide great waterproof and breathable
performance. The Classic 50 non-woven jacket, combined with
the original Classic 30 non-woven pants, are guaranteed
waterproof and great fitting. It provides a great looking suit for
every outdoor activity. Frogg Toggs is the leader in lightweight,
breathable and affordable rain wear.

#3: Wear warm clothing.
Chilly nights will wear on an individual quickly, and in blizzard
conditions will prove deadly. Warm clothes are essential for
survival even if you bugout in the Summer or live in the desert.
Wool is an excellent choice, provided you are not allergic to
wool.  Conversely, make sure to pack layers so that you'll also
have clothes to cool down in. While you should wear warm
clothing by day, when you snuggle into a sleeping bag, it's
actually better not to wear much.

#4: Select breathable clothing.
Clothes should provide some "breathing room" allowing you to
sweat. Again, wool is an excellent choice. Layering can help. Look
for jackets that have under arm zips to allow heat to escape.
There's nothing worse than 100% cotton while hiking up a sweat
because once it gets wet hypothermia sets in. Cotton doesn't
repel water and this makes it very difficult to get dry again. Avid
backpackers call cotton "the devil's cloth."

#5: Make sure you pick bugout and tactical clothing
with lots of pockets.
Clothing is a great place to tuck survival gear, as well as hard
candies for energy, and extra articles of comfort. Look for clothing
with lots of pockets in shirts, jackets, and pants.

Your clothes can also help you carry a wide range of useful items,
such as:
  • small flashlight, lighter or matches
  • multi tools and knives
  • lip balms (such as Chapstick or Blistix)
  • compass
  • snacks
  • bandanna,
  • bandages,
  • antiseptic wipes and antibiotic ointment

#6: Flame Resistant clothing.
You'll be building more fires when SHTF, so you'll need a measure
or protection against flames. Protect your clothing with Fireguard
spray, right. Nontoxic and non-carcinogenic for people and pets.
It's main goal is to prevent fabrics from ignition and spread of
fire, so you can use it on household fabrics, draperies and
curtains, upholstery, and other natural and synthetic materials
(with the exception of leather). Interior furnishings are the
number one contributing factor to the swift spread of fire and
smoke within a home, so this may be part of your overall shelter
plans to mitigate threats from marauders on your home fortress.

#7: Clothes appropriate for the terrain.
Think about your bugout clothing in terms of the terrain in your
locale and customize your clothing to your climate, for example:

  • If you have kids and live near the snow, then you'll
    want to pack Tuffo Muddy Overalls, pictured at the
    bottom right of the page.

#8: Consider Insect repelling clothing.
You can buy clothes that repel insects! Insect repelling, long-
sleeve women's crew neck shirt, pictured below. This insect
repelling, long-sleeve women's crew neck shirt is odorless, and
has an invisible insect shield that repels mosquitoes, ticks, ants,
flies, chiggers, and midges (no-see-ums) for 70 washes!
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Rothco EMT Pants
Pick the right Bugout Clothes
Rothco EMT Pants