Warnings on Zika Virus

------------------------------------------------- Revised 02=31//2021
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Zika virus warning
Mosquito-borne Zika virus linked to birth defects.

Pregnant preppers (South Eastern U.S.): Zika virus warning!
Get out the citronella, wear long sleeves, keep the windows and
doors closed, and hold off your travel plans, because a new virus
coming to town! There is an outbreak of the mosquito-born Zika
virus, which has virtually no symptoms and no known cure.  

Pregnant Preppers: Zika Virus Warning!

If there are no symptoms, what's the problem?
Well, unfortunately, the problem is that Zika Virus is slow to
show its signs:

  • Some don't know they have Zika Virus. Four out of five
    people who get the virus don't know they've contracted it
    and they don't get sick! About 80% of people infected with
    Zika virus never know they have it!

  • One in five get sick, and get a fever, rash, or red eyes.
    There are 2 million cases of Zika Virus in the world so far
    (mostly in Latin America, Carribbean)

  • Thousands have been born with the birth defect and dozens
    have died, and so there are warnings to pregnant women on
    the Zika virus.

  • Warning to pregnant women on the Zika Virus: The
    problem is that Zika virus has links to a severe birth defect,
    specifically Microcephaly, which is a failure of the brain to
    grow at a normal rate. Microcephaly, or a below average
    head size, affects around 25,000 children in the U.S.
    annually. The mosquitoes are here in the United States, and
    it's not just a problem in pregnancies.

  • A vaccine will take a decade to make! To make a vaccine,
    clinicians must capture a mosquito carrying the disease.
    Anyone who's ever tried to swat a pesky midnight mosquito
    is aware of how clever these little guys are at evading

  • Warning to preppers in Arkansas, California, Virginia and
    New York.

  • The CDC has issued travel warnings to Brazil and other
    countries: The CDC is advising healthcare workers to ask all
    pregnant patients about travel, and has issued travel
    warnings for U.S. territories, including  Puerto Rico and Saint
    Martin (U.S. Virgin Islands).

Things to know about Zika virus...
Here's more that a prepper needs to know about the
mosquito-borne Zika virus:

  • Aedes aegypti mosquitoes are carriers. Zika virus is
    acquired through the bite of an infected mosquito. Aedes
    aegypti mosquitoes spread the virus by getting a blood meal
    from an infected person and then subsequently feed on
    another person to pass the disease. Generally Zika virus is
    not transmitted person to person. It's transmitted by a
    vector  the Aedes mosquito is the main vector.

  • It's not a person-to-person disease, HOWEVER.... Rarely,
    Zika Virus can be transmitted from mother to child or from
    person to person through infected blood or sexual contact.
    Certainly a blood transfusion could potentially pose risks if
    an infected person who wasn't aware of having the disease
    would give blood.

How to Minimize Risks of Zika Virus
Zika is a member of the Flaviviruses, which comes from an
infected Aedes aegppti mosquito, (a mosquito also responsible
for spreading
Dengue fever, West Nile virus, and yellow fever).
Zika also has links in Brazil to Guillain-Barre Syndrome, a
neurological disorder that causes paralysis.

There have been about 20 cases of Zika virus in the united States
and one baby born in Hawaii has succumbed to the brain
deforming virus. There is no known vaccine or medicine to cure.

#1: Clear stagnant water where mosquitoes breed.
Mosquito dunks kill mosquitoes at the source of breeding in
stagnant water. Pictured left is Mosquito Bits, environmentally
sound biological mosquito control that you can trust. It kills
mosquitoes fast, within 24 hours and is EPA registered in all 50
states. Just sprinkle in any standing water.

#2: Protect against mosquito bites.
Mosquito bed nets offer only limited protection, since
unfortunately, the infected mosquitoes are mostly active during
the day,
  • DEET - the larger risk for pregnant women is the mosquito
    bite and not the potentially toxic properties that this
    medicine on the pregancy.
  • Picaridin (Avon Skin So Soft Bug Guard)
  • oil of lemon eucalyptus, pictured left (try also Repel, pictured
  • IR3535 (often found in DEET-free sprays)

Natural repellents may include:
  • Citronella*
  • Lemon Eucalyptus Essential oil*

#3: Avoid Travelling to areas with known cases of
Zika virus.
Travellers in the following Countries risk exposure:
  • Bolivia
  • Brazil
  • Cape Verde
  • Colombia
  • Ecuador
  • El Salvador
  • French Guiana
  • Guadeloupe
  • Guatemala
  • Guyana
  • Haiti
  • Honduras
  • Martinique
  • Mexico
  • Panama
  • Paraguay
  • Puerto Rico
  • Saint Martin
  • Samoa
  • Suriname
  • Venezuela

#4: Be aware of Zika virus symptoms.
Here's what to expect when you're not expecting Zika virus...

Acute onset of the disease includes:
  • arthralgia (pain in joints)
  • conjunctivitis (pink eye)
  • fever
  • maculopapular rash

#5: Avoid spreading Zika virus to others.
Zika virus is spread from mosquito to person. This means that a
sick person should be isolated from mosquitoes to prevent
another mosquito from getting a blood meal on that individual
and then perpetuating the problem by infecting others. This is the
main concern about the rapid spread of the disease.

If you exhibit the symptoms and have visited any of the areas
known to have Zika virus exposure, stay vigilant during your
illness and a week after to steer clear of mosquitoes.

Other ways to get Zika Virus:

  • Breast milk. There is some evidence suggesting that Zika
    virus could transmit from mother to child through breast milk

  • Sexual Contact. Transmission from person to person in
    sexual intercourse is possible however, the recorded
    incidents are rare, but do occur.

  • Sperm donations. Sperm banks are on the high alert and
    will not accept donations from individuals who have recently
    visited one of the Zika affected areas or who have had
    sexual relation with someone who has visited in the past 28

  • Blood transfusions.

You can avoid spreading Zika virus to others by avoiding
mosquitoes in the following ways:
  1. stay indoors (remember the mosquitoes feed mostly during
    the day)
  2. use a mosquito net when possible
  3. wear mosquito repellent bracelet
  4. keep screens on windows and doors to prevent entry
  5. sleep in air-conditioned, screened rooms
  6. remove water from flower vases (the mosquitoes can
    replicate in even in tiny sources of water).
  7. light a citronella candle!
  8. smoke out mosquitoes with an outdoor firepit.

The World Health Organization has declared Zika virus a "public
health emergency of international concern." That's because Zika
is spreading quickly across Central and South America, and the

Thankfully there have been no reported cases of Zika virus
contracted by a mosquito bite in the United States. The
mosquitoes haven't yet penetrated the continental United States,
though you will find the offending mosquitoes in its outlying
territories ~ in the U.S. Virgin Islands (Saint Martin) and in Puerto

Happy endings...
Zika Virus certainly is a lot less scarier than Ebola and prevention
can save your life! If you remember to stay inside (since the
blood suckers usually feed by day) and stay in screened areas as
much as possible you should be fine. Add layers of clothing and
wear Deet during peak exposure times. Do all these things and
you will reduce your risks significantly.

So now you know more about Zika virus and now you can send
your warnings to pregnant women and your prepper friends. Take
action and learn more about how to avoid mosquitoes and
mosquito bites naturally.

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* This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. For any
health or dietary matter, always consult your physician. This information is intended for
your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or
treatment for specific medical conditions. Never disregard or delay in seeking medical
advice when available.
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