Keep cool without electricity

------------------------------------------------- Revised 02/22/2021
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Above, the Kodiak Tundra Tumbler helps you retain ice for up to 50 hours).
It's build for maximum ice retention.

More ways to stay cool by night:
  • Turn off the lights if you have power.
  • Take a cool shower.
  • Keep your cool at night by setting up tent in your backyard.

Happy endings...
Stay cool by being resourceful! You're a prepper and you know how
to tinker around to get it done.

  • GoCool. The GoCool keeps a small space cool using ice and
    water. The GoCool portable air conditioner is made for cooling
    small, enclosed spaces using ice and water.

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Above is a demonstration of Alfamo cooling towel. The hyper-evaporative
breathable mesh material of Alfamo makes it easy to activate the chilling.
Just soak, wring out and snap it. Re-wet to reactivate it.

#9: Stay cool with a battery operated fan.
A battery operated fan is one of the easiest ways to beat the
heat. The battery operated fan right is less than $7 and highly
rated by thousands of users.

#10: Stay cool at bedtime with linen sheets.
Linen is twice as cool as cotton, but cotton is preferable over
flannel or polyester blends. Cotton is more affordable, and if
you can get Egyptian cotton.

While you're at it, take off the covers during the day as you are
otherwise trapping heat in your bed. The bed may look messy
during the daytime, but you'll sleep better on cool sheets.

More ways to stay cool at bedtime:

  • Stay cool with a spicy dinner. Spicy foods such as
    jalapenos will make you sweat and cool you down.

  • Before bedtime to take a warm shower (not a cold
    one). This will trick your body into cooling down. If you
    take a cold shower it will do the opposite and warm you.

  • Make an ice pack with rubbing alcohol and water. You
    can store them in the freezer and use them for boo boos or
    as a way to cool yourself down at night. The proportions
    are 1 cup of rubbing alcohol and 2 cups of water. You can
    use a food saver to make an ice pack or just use two zip-
    lock bags.

  • Get a controlled brain freeze. If you have electricity, but
    no air conditioning, stick your pillow cases in the freezer.
    This will give your noggin a soothing and relaxing start of

  • Hold a private wet T-shirt contest. Dunk a T-shirt in cold
    water, wring it out and wear that to bed. You'll be damp,
    but you'll stay cool and this doesn't require any electricity.

  • Knock of your socks. When your feet are hot, you're hot
    too. Let your feet aerate (no socks and no covers). Better
    yet, dunk your little piggies in soothing cold water.

More ways to stay cool by day:

  • Use a mister. A simple spray bottle filled with water will
    help cool you down.

  • Turn your home into a cave. Close the blinds, draw the
    shades or curtains.

  • Shut up! Shut doors to keep cool air you are creating from
    permeating into the other rooms.

  • Drink more liquids! Go thermal with your drinks. The
    Kodiak Tundra tumbler will keep your drinks cool in the
    summer or hot in the winter. The luxurious copper ater
    conatiner is made of an inherently clean material with
    strong antimicrobial, antibacterial and antifungal
    properties. Keep the container out of the sun. This pitcher
    makes water so chilled it will be the most satisfying thing
    you’ll drink all day! It makes boring tasteless water an
    absolute delight! Say goodbye to that horrible gassy
    bloated feeling!
#8: Dampen wrist bands to stay cool.
Dunking a bandanna or wrist band in ice water will help, but if
you don't have any ice you can at least take advantage of the
evaporative effects of water.

The Alfamo Cooling Towel is an extra long sports towel that
offers instant cooling:
Humidity is one of the annoyances of evaporation. Heat absorbs
and suspends in water vapor.
PicTEK high Humity Removal.

#4: Cool down your home with blackout curtains.
Blackout curtains are an often overlooked way to keep your
home cool. A blackout curtain blocks out 99% of sunlight to any
room, anytime of the day, which means you're sitting cooler
inside. Blackout curtains also reduce outside noise so you can
enjoy a quiet and peaceful environment. You'll save on home
heating and cooling costs, too.

Deconovo blackout curtains, pictured right, are thermal
insulated. (Click on the picture for pricing.) They will block
noise, light and heat from the outside. As well, they do not
attract dust or mites, which is so important if you have allergies.

There are other reasons preppers may like to install blackout
curtains. In times of trouble, you can pull them and secure
darkness (when others have no light). If your house is the only
house shining in the dark trouble could come knocking at your
doorstep when the stuff hits the fan.

#5: Install awnings to beat the heat.
If you're a homeowner, you can protect your furnishings from
sun's damaging UV rays and keep home cool with awnings. They
aren't inexpensive, but they may be necessary depending on
your locale to reduce the intense heat. For example, some
months in Arizona are life-threatening without air conditioning.

Another option is to plant trees strategically to shade the

#6: Install a solar attic fan.
A solar attic fan is one of the more unusual ways to keep your
home cool. With a solar attic fan you can cool your home and
save money by reducing cooling load on air conditioning units.
Pictured right, an attic solar fan installs easily on pitched
fiberglass-asphalt shingle roofs - with no wiring required. It
operates on free solar energy.

#7: Build a cooler from plastic bottles.
Build your own home-made contraption to stay cool. The video
below explains how to keep a room cool using a panel of
recycled plastic bottles, cut and positioned into place:
#3: Keep cool with a dehumidifier.
A dehumidifier can lower energy costs because it helps your air
conditioner run more efficiently, but if you don't have air
conditioning working it can help you in many ways.

With a dehumidifier you can help kill the dry heat as you help
reduce allergens. Dehumidifiers reduce humidity level and
anyone who lives in a humid climate knows that this triggers
dust mites, mold and mildew along with seasonal allergies. Did
you know that mold allergies contribute to childhood asthma?

When you have a dehumidifier you can control the exact
percentage of humidity in your room and this helps eliminate
bacteria in the air that can make breathing difficult. It protects
your home from mold and mildew caused by excess moisture as

  • Tip for use of your dehumidifier: Run your portable
    dehumidifier on the other end of the room from where
    you've positioned the swamp cooler.
Make a swamp cooler with other materials:
Make a swamp cooler with a camping cooler:
Cool your home without power
How to stay cool without electricity

Keep your cool (no electricity required)!
Keeping your cool in the summer heat takes a bit of planning if
you're doing it without electricity. Preppers "in the know" can
keep their home cool and manage the heat in several ways.

Below are ways to keep your home cool without electricity.

How to stay cool without electricity
Stay cool during a power outage. Plan ahead, before disaster
strikes, particularly if you live in extremely arid or humid
conditions―Florida and Arizona come to mind. A hurricane could
leave the power out for days, and a blackout would be
devastating for Arizona much of the year.

Here are ten ways to stay cool in your home without electricity.

#1: Keep a battery operated personal fan handy.
One of the best ways to stay cool without electricity is to have
a battery operated personal fan handy. Small but mighty, the
Viniper battery-operated personal fan has a somple but elegant
design. Best of all, it can operate for 8-24 hours after a full
charge and a has strong and stable wind that keeps you cool.

#2: Stay cool with a swamp cooler.
A swamp cooler is an evaporative cooler device that cools air
through the forced evaporation of water.

  • Hang wet towels or sheets. In the simplest method, you
    can open the windows and hang wet towels or sheets. It's
    a bit of a drippy mess, but the wind will force the
    evaporation of water from the material to provide some
    cooling gratification. It's not very practical, so better to
    make your own cooler.

  • How to make your own swamp cooler. You can make
    your own swamp cooler (and below we have three different
    ways you can do that!

Make a swamp cooler with a five-gallon bucket:
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