survival questions answered

Preps that cost under $10
80 rolls
Rats chewed through plastic box:
Oxygen absorbers
combo set of mylar bags and oxygen absorbers
Oxygen absorbers
Water tank is equal to 5 55-gallon barrels
Earthquake preparations
Safety pins have infinite uses for preppers
Why are safety pins included
in survival kits?
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Review of popular ration bars
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Best prepper protein source: meat
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How to use iodine for survival
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gear and food storage.
PREPPER QUESTION: What Preps should I store in the
If your garage is fortified with anti-theft security,
your garage is an ideal place to store preps including,
bags, tents and off-grid cooking gear, pandemic supplies, first
aid supplies, toilet paper and other sanitation supplies in
plastic bins, garden tools, a faraday cage,
prepper carts, and
certain fuels. In short, your garage is an ideal location to store
non-food supplies and water. ''

  • Note that the point of entry of most thefts in America is
    through the garage according to an article by Luke Mullins
    of U.S. News and World Report who warns readers to
    beware of the garage.

PREPPER QUESTION: Is it okay to store water in the
ANSWER: Water may be stored in the garage
if it is off the
cement and your supply is rotated. There are
seven lessons on
survival water to heed. With regards to the garage, water in
storage containers should not rest on the cement. Build a
platform of wood so the cement does not leach its toxins into
your water supply. The Surewater storage system, pictured
right, is an ideal storage solution that also might fit inside your
home in a closet.

  • Need room in your garage?

PREPPER QUESTION: What's the difference between a
spade and a shovel?
ANSWER: Preppers dig both spades and shovels, and often us
the terms interchangeably. The correct and key difference
between a shovel and a spade is the scooping tip.

  • A SHOVEL, which has a concave shape and usually a
    pointed tip is good for digging camp kitchens, graves,
    trenches, and for shoveling snow. Shovels help you dig.
    The telltale sign that you have a shovel is if it has a
    concave scoop. It's good for lifting and throwing material.
    Think of a shovel as the way to load and unload sand, soil
    or gravel from a wheelbarrow.

  • A SPADE, which has a flat edge and is often rectangular, is
    ideal for digging fire pits or trenching around tents. It's
    confusing because the spade on the deck of cards has a
    pointed tip. The D-handled spades are best for work on
    trenches! The straight, flat edge is good for cutting,
    loosening and leveling soil. Typically, a spade is narrower
    and flatter than a shovel. While you can certainly use a
    spade for digging, they are intended for slicing through
    and lifting sod. Here's how to use a spade.

Sometimes you'll use both. Grave diggers use first a spade to
outline the area, then a shovel to load and unload the dirt.

PREPPER QUESTION: What's the difference between an
antibacterial, an antiseptic and a disinfectant?
  • What is an antibacterial? An antibacterial is anything
    applied to the skin that's active against bacteria to slow
    down or halt bacteria. Simply, antibacterials are agents
    directed against bacteria.

  • What is an antiseptic?  An antiseptic is applied to the
    skin to deter microorganisms, including bacteria, fungi,
    protozoa, and viruses, so it's stronger than an

  • What is a disinfectant? Like an antiseptic, a disinfectant
    kills bacteria, and also viruses and fungi, but it applies to
    other surfaces (and not living tissue, like skin).

PREPPER QUESTION: Does Bleach Expire?
: Yes! Bleach expires, so if you choose to use it,
rotate it. Yes, check the bottle and you will see that bleach
indeed has an expiration date! The date is good for about six
months. Even though you'll have expired bleach on your hands,
don't dump your rotation of it. Just mark the bottle expired with
a Sharpie marker. An "X" for expired will do if you inform your
party about this method. While it's expired, it doesn't mean
you need to throw away your bleach. You'll still find the liquid
useful for helping you deal with sanitation to cut the smells of

More prepping articles...

NEXT set of Prepper questions

Prepare to live happily ever after with us at - the emergency
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Prepper's Questions Answered
Answers to common questions on prepping

Creativity is more important than knowledge. -- Albert Einstein.

Have a prepper question? Ask us on Facebook or Twitter. We
may have a creative solution to your prepping problem or
question! We believe, as Einstein did, that creativity is more
important than knowledge. Preppers have the best hope to
survive if they creatively solve problems.

PREPPER QUESTION: Why are safety pins included in
survival kits?
ANSWER: A safety pin has infinite uses. With safety pins you
  1. create an instant fish hook (you'll need cordage of course);
  2. craft an arm sling from T-shirt for first aid;
  3. improvise tweezers for splinter or tick removal;
  4. secure a bandanna to make a bandage and compress
  5. make a finger splint;
  6. hang stuff to dry while out on your journey;
  7. affix gear to your bugout bag;
  8. mend a broken shoe lace;
  9. close your pant legs to keep out snow;
  10. use it like a toothpick;
  11. connect blankets, bags or clothes to create shelter;
  12. close wounds (in extreme cases where no doctor is
    available you can use it like a skin stapler);
  13. open cans;
  14. defend yourself; and
  15. repair your clothes;

  • BONUS: Did you know you can start a fire with a battery
    and safety pin? Attach a safety pins to the terminals of
    the battery. You can do the same with aluminum foil.

PREPPER QUESTION: Did people starve during the Great
No. Certainly there were times when people went
hungry, as is true of homeless people today, but there was not
a true starvation, for food was ample. People had only to ask
for help, pay a small price at a penny restaurant, or get creative
to ensure adequate sustenance, such as growing their own
food. Read more wisdom of the economic collapse that
reshaped America.

QUESTION: Where to I buy fish antibiotics?
If you're like other preppers you have a prepper's
medicine cabinet, which is unlike an ordinary stash of medical
goods, including
antibiotics. If it's not complete, you're
wondering, where do I find fish antibiotics. It's not easy to find
fish antibiotics in the pet supply where you might expect to find
it. FishMox used to be sold on Amazon, but for some reason is
no longer available there.

PREPPER QUESTION: Is it okay to store rice, beans or water
in recycled water, soda, juice, or milk bottles?
No! As we wrote in our Seven Lessons on Survival
Water, article  "Do NOT reuse disposable water, juice, milk and
soda bottles. Most disposable water, soda and juice bottles
have polyethylene terephthalate, also known as PET or PETE.
While these bottles are safe for one-time use, they may leach
DEHP (a carcinogen) when used repeatedly."

PREPPER QUESTION: Is it okay to store food in the garage?
: To this question, we reply with the "H-A-L-T your
Food Storage" concept!

  • H-umidity is an enemy of your food storage. Garage floors
    are usually made of cement, which draws toxins and
    moisture to your food storage. Humidity, translating to
    moisture, is bad for your grains (particularly wheat).
    Moisture is bad for your cans (as your cans will rust).  
    Moisture is the main reason NOT to store your food in the
    garage. Garages are also the main point of entry for water
    after a flood.

  • A-ir (oxygen) is an enemy of your food storage. Cans are
    airtight; however plastic "breathes," which is why preppers
    employ mylar bags (to prevent mold and vermin from living
    in your food supply) with oxygen absorbers and seal the
    food in a bucket to help prevent rodents from chewing
    through. Plastic is a deterrent, but rats have particularly
    strong teeth and have been known to chew through plastic.
    Rats know where food hides in your garage.  Pictured right
    are some examples of how rats have chewed through food
    storage. Rodents are more likely to lurk in your garage
    than inside your home

  • L-ight is an enemy of your food storage. A garage can keep
    your food away from light, which is a good thing; however,
    food stored in cans or stored in mylar with buckets will not
    have exposure to light anyway. Better to store these foods
    inside your home, under the bed, in closets and in other
    creative spaces, which are insulated and away from rodent
    exposure. Think again, in case you're thinking of storing
    food in the attic...

  • T-emperature is an enemy of your food storage. In a
    garage temperature may fluctuate between too hot and too
    cold because it usually does not have insulation or
    controlled heat and air conditioning. This is may also be
    true of your attic. Heat also causes nutrient loss, which is
    another reason why it's not a good idea to store food in
    the garage.
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