Real questions from preppers

Prepper's Questions Answered
Answers to common questions on prepping

Have a prepper question? Ask us on Facebook or Twitter. We may
have a creative solution to your prepping problem or question!

PREPPER QUESTION: I'd like to try canning, and recently I
heard about dry canning? What is dry canning?
Dry canning is putting dry goods into containers to
preserve them for long durations keeping them away from pests
and preserving the nutrients of the food. There are four methods
for dry canning.

PREPPER QUESTION: How can I get started prepping for free?
Do you have a change jar of pennies, nickels, dimes
and quarters? There are two things you can do to get started
prepping for free:

1. Save the copper pennies from your coin jar.  
Filter your stash of coins to look for 1909-1982 Lincoln Copper
Cents. Wheat pennies are the easiest to spot. Depending on the
day you'll see around a double return of your money. For example,
according to at the time of publishing this page,
"A roll of copper cent(s) has 50 coins and is valued at $1.07 when
copper is at $3.2323 / lb and zinc at $1.0230 / lb (exact value is

2. Convert your loose change into preps.
Did you know you can convert your loose change in preps? After
you've filtered the jar for the pennies, head to your local Coinstar
machine, which will help you convert loose change into an
Amazon gift certificate. Coinstar will not take a percentage of
your money for the conversion if you select a gift card. Have fun
shopping for free! Best of all,
Coinstar rejects silver, and you may
have a few gems of real silver in your stash of cash! This is
happypreppers tested!

PREPPER QUESTION: What's the best firestarter?
The easy answer is a BIC lighter. Below are two quotes
to exemplify this answer:

  • According to Mykel Hawke, Captain, U.S Army Special Forces,
    star of Man, Woman, Wild on the Discovery Channel, and
    author of Hawke's Speical Forces Survival Handbook (the
    Portable Guide to Getting out Alive), "Always carry a lighter"
    as it's the easiest way to start a fire.

  • From an anonymous survivor of the Bosnia Civil War. "A
    generator is good, but 1000 BIC lighters are better. A
    generator will attract attention if there's any trouble, but
    1000 lighters are compact, cheap and can always be traded."

Even so, there are
15+ firestarters for emergency
preparedness to consider.

PREPPER QUESTION: What is a composting toilet?
A composting toilet is self-contained and waterless
toilet that uses peat moss in the base for  composting matter.
There is no holding tank and no pump-outs.

PREPPER QUESTION: I want to expand my freeze dried food.
I have enough Beef Stroganoff, Chicken Fettucini Alfredo,
Granola and egg dishes. Do you have any other, more
interesting suggestions?
: Give these tasty alternatives a try:

  • Legacy Foods. Among the first to take a stand against GMO,
    Legacy Foods also has taken the boredom out of the
    traditional freeze dried meals. Give these new foods a try:
    Chicken A La King, Cheese and Brocolli Bake and enchileda
    beans and rice.

  • Saratoga Farms: While other freeze dried foods give you
    the traditional blueberries and granola, Saratoga Farms
    gives your food choices a lift. Try their peaches and cream
    oatmeal or granola with cinnamon apples. Another popular
    Saratoga Farms choice is Bacon Potato Chowder or Oriental
    Sweet and Sour, a vegetarian option with green bell peppers,
    carrots, onions, pineapple, and mushrooms.

  • Gourmet Reserves:  Gourmet Reserves by Alpine Aire
    Foods, offers a variety of beyond the ordinary freeze dried
    meals. On the savory side is Gourmet Reserves Texas BBQ
    chicken. Then there's a chicken gumbo to awaken your
    senses. Be sure to try their Apple Almond Crisp dessert,
    which would be tasty for breakfast as well

PREPPER QUESTION: The ingredients are the same in the
Freeze dried WHOLE EGGS versus Freeze dried SCRAMBLED
EGGS. I don't think there's a difference (other than the price).
The "scrambled eggs" always cost more than the "whole egg"
variety, what's the difference?
The seem the same and yet indeed they are different
(it's not just a marketing ploy). Whole eggs are dried and then
powdered and so they reconstitute with water for use in baking
whereas the scrambled variety are cooked into scrambled eggs
and then freeze dried.

  • Whole Powdered Eggs: Use whole powdered eggs primarily
    for your baking needs (breads, muffins, cakes ~ you name it)
    are less expensive than scrambled eggs. You can use them
    for making omelets and scrambled eggs, but you'll need to
    fry them up in a pan and add some oil. Truthfully, they wont'
    be as tasty as the scrambled eggs, because they don't have
    as much yolk. Also, you'll need to reseal powdered whole
    eggs for your next use, and refrigerate them like real eggs.

  • Scrambled eggs: The scrambled eggs are ready to heat
    when you add hot water. You don't fry them in a pan.  As
    well, the scrambled eggs have more egg yolk and are darker
    in color than the  powdered whole eggs. When you open the
    cans they actually look more like scrambled eggs! That's
    because they've already been scrambled and pre-cooked. You
    won't need to refrigerate your can of scrambled eggs;
    however, you will need reseal it for your next use as you
    would your other food storage. Don't bake with scrambled

So there you have it: the difference between whole eggs and
scrambled freeze dried is the work done beforehand.

NEXT set of Prepper Questions

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------------------------------------------------- Revised 02/01/2021
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Augason farms whole dried eggs
Augason farms scrambled eggs
Coin Jar
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Zippo lighters: quality since 1932
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Make your own charcoal
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Mountain House Diced Chicken