how to organize a prepper garage

Plano Case
Prepper Storage Rack
Water storage system for survival
260-gallon water storage tank holds enough for a family of four
------------------------------------------------- Revised 02/01/21
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#3: Surewater 260 Gallon Water Storage Tank.
A garage is an ideal space to store your water in a Surewater
Storage system. Water may be the most important prepper
essential in your garage, and plastic water bottles directly on
the cement is unhealthy* and impractical; while the SureWater
260 Gallon Water Storage Tank, pictured immediate right,
stores enough for a family of four to last three months in a
small amount of space.

    * NOTE about storing water in your garage: Never place
    plastic water bottles directly on the cement. On hot days,
    the cement toxins will leach into the plastic.

#4: Organize in Gladiator small item bins.
Get a six-pack of Gladiator small item bins 4.5-by-4-by-7-inch
deep plastic bin holds small items and has a weight capacity
rating of 5-pounds. Pictured above in gray, the Gladiator small
item bins will help preppers organize food storage in the
kitchen (sweetener packets, teas,  instant coffee packets, drink
mixes, gravy mixes, granola and protein bars, fruit snacks, and
instant oatmeal packets, and more); or store components for
off-grid building projects (nails, nuts, bolts, screws) in the

  • Stay high and dry: Every home is in a flood zone, so you'll
    want to pack your prepper wares on shelves as high as
    possible from potential flood waters. Remember, that flood
    waters carrry with them oils and sewage from down
    stream, which will contaminate all your food and water

  • Go incognito! Pack canned goods in cardboard boxes and
    mark them "Grandmas China" or "books to donate" to
    disguise food in plain sight.

  • Space saver storage bags. Triple your storage space with
    Space Saver bags, pictured at the bottom of the page. The
    best part is that the gear inside will stay warm and dry
    mitigating flood damage. They are airtight, waterproof, and
    reusable! They also protects against bugs, moths, dirt,
    mildew and odors. Ideal for your garage storage needs.

Happy endings...
How do preppers pack the garage? The answer is very carefully
indeed! Preppers pack in the garage, in the pantry, under the
bed, in the attic, under the basement, between walls, inside
doors. . . The list is endless!

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preparedness Web site of prepping,
survival, homesteading, and self-reliance.
Prepper's Garage
How to organize your storage space

How preppers pack the garage: very carefully!
Before you spend too much time organizing the garage for
prepping, know that in a crisis, the government or looters will
head to your garage first as it is a logical place to hold your
emergency assets.

Knowing this in advance will help you organize your supplies.
How so? Well, a strategy can be to have everything handy for
bugging out so that you get to your goods before the
government or looters get to it! Another option is that it can be
a decoy for your real preps, which should be scattered
throughout your home.

Your strategy can be a little of both! In case of an economic
impact to society, you have time. The Great Depression lasted
ten years! Likely, under the scenario of an economic impact,
your wares will be safe in the garage. Even so, you should heed
a secret cache and look into diversion safes.

Here are some hints about how to organize your storage space
prepper style:

#1: Have a garage sale to get rid of the clutter.
When you clear the garage, get things into three piles:stuff to
keep, things to donate, stuff to toss as junk.

#2: Start by building yourself adequate shelving.
Eventually every prepper who has a garage needs a storage
rack. The overhead ceiling rack pictured at the bottom of the
page has a customizable ceiling drop-length and holds as much
as 600 pounds! Makes your garage neat and tidy. Below is a
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