How to Survive a Diabetic Emergency

------------------------------------------------- Revised 03/13/2021
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Bottled water dangers
10 reasonst o love sunflower seed butters
Happy Preppers site for survivalists + preppers
Cold pack kit
Solar refrigerator
diabetic socks
Diabetic supplies
Medical travel with built in cooling panels (insulin cooler)
Squincher qwik stick electrolyte replenishment
Vintage trench foot ad from the military
Survival Medicine Handbook
Holy Basil
Yeti Cooler
Berberine plus
Blood sugar support
Epsom salt uses in prepping
Diabetic brownie mix
Sugars that heal by Emil Mondoa M.D.
Glucose tabs
Type 1 Diabetes bracelet
Type 2 Diabetes rubber bracelet
How to prepare for a cyber attack
Everly hydration
Dr Scholl's diabetic socks
Hypoglycaemia emergency Hypo Wallet
Diabetic supplies biohazard box
Cinnamon plus Chromium
Hypoglycaemia emergency Hypo Wallet
White kidney Bean Extract
Prepper's Guide to the Food Saver
Portable ice Maker
Survival uses of Chocolate
Prepper Deal Alerts Check
daily deals for prepping
gear and food storage.
Blood sugar support

#9: Look to nature for solutions to diabetes.
Essential oils can support diabetics. Always keep an eye on
natural solutions. Below are some helpful herbs and foods for
preppers who are diabetic:

  • Cinnamon. Cinnamon is a natural for helping you control
    blood sugars.

  • Cayenne: Preppers with diabetes will appreciate how
    cayenne lowers and regulates blood sugar levels the natural
    way! If you're on Meformin, ask your doctor how you might
    incorporate cayenne to eliminate or reduce dependency on

  • NOTE: Capsaicin may lower blood sugar levels, raising the risk of low
    blood sugar, so if you have diabetes, consult with your physician before
    using capsaicin.*

  • Dandelions ** can help control blood sugars for Type II
    diabetes. Dandelion brings a natural blood sugar control
    because it is a diuretic and helps keep blood sugars low. The
    best way to help a diabetic with dandelion is with a
    dandelion tea, which will help people with diabetes to
    remove excess sugar stored in the body. It also will help
    stimulate the natural production of insulin from the pancreas.

  • Goldenseal. Goldenseal can stimulate the body’s own
    immunity. Goldenseal can help, but not cure Type II
    diabetes: From Univeristy of Michigan comes preliminary
    research with berberine (an active compound in goldenseal),
    which found lowered blood glucose levels in people with
    Type II diabetes

  • Olive leaf. Olive leaf is known for immune system support
    and as a natural therapy for cardiovascular disease, cancer,
    and diabetes. Now there's scientific support that olive leaf
    extract also will help people with diabetes. It seems that
    Olive Leaf Polyphenols improve insulin sensitivity.

  • Cane sugar juice. Avoid the fake sugars and use only real
    cane juice.

  • Vinegar. Did you know vinegar helps diabetics maintain
    sugar levels? Take two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a
    glass of water daily for diabetic health. Vinegar has acetic
    acid which slows the digestion of starch and lowers the rise
    glucose. Discover the many benefits of apple cider vinegar
    for people with diabetes, and how it slows the rise of sugar
    in the blood.

#10: Get an overview of Diabetic Medicine
Below are more solutions for diabetes...

Dealing with diabetic wounds:

  • Antibiotics for foot ulcers. Metronidazole (aquatic
    equivalent: Fish-Zole) is an antibiotic discussed in the
    Survival Medicine Handbook, pictured right. The authors,
    Joseph Alton, M.D. and Amy Alton A.R.N.P., have a severely
    diabetic adult son and offer a great deal of wisdom for
    diabetic preppers. On page 373, for example, the book also
    discusses Metformin, which can be used alongside insulin in
    the case of expiring insulin medications.

  • Did you know cane sugar has skin healing abilities (skin
    ulcers and wounds)? Some sugars are vital to your health,
    so says the author of the book, Sugars that Heal, by Emil
    Mondoa, M.D. who argues that human bodies, to function
    properly, need small amounts of eight essential sugars.

    What's more, saccharides have been shown to lower
    cholesterol, increase lean muscle mass, decrease body fat,
    accelerate wound healing, ease allergy symptoms, and allay
    autoimmune diseases such as arthritis, psoriasis, and
    diabetes in addition to cancer. There are eight essential
    saccharides compose the main focus of sugars that heal,
    according to the book.

  • Skin preparation. If you run out of alcohol wipes, you can
    make your own skin preparation for insulin injections with
    toilet paper tablets, pictured right. Toilet paper tabs can
    prepare the skin when you soak them in rubbing alcohol.

Essential oils to benefit diabetic patients
Learn about how essential oils and herbs can benefit people with
diabetes. The world is awakening to the ancient power of
essential oils and preppers who have diabetes should take note!
There are many kinds of essential oils that can benefit a person
who has diabetes, and here is that list.

  • Cinnamon and cinnamon essential oil.** Diabetics can
    rejoice in the power of cinnamon essential oil for its ability
    to help the body regulate blood glucose levels Cinnamon
    essential oil can also promote weight loss. For this reason,
    too cinnamon oil is also fantastic for anybody with diabetes.
    Learn more about the power of Cinnamon essential oil.

    Cinnamon can help diabetics overcome their disease, too.
    Cinnamon can help diabetics balance blood sugars, which is
    good news as unstable blood sugar may lead to overeating.
    Cinnamon helps slow the rate glucose releases into your

    How to use cinnamon essential oil to help with diabetes:
  • Add food grade cinnamon essential oil to tea.
  • Top apples with cinnamon and bake.
  • Add Ceylon cinnamon to oatmeal and baked goods

  • Primrose oil. Primrose oil contains a high concentration of a
    fatty acid called gamma-linoleic acid (GLA), and other
    nutrients to improve cell structure and improve the elasticity
    of the skin and healthy circulatory function. GLA is a fatty
    acid that's important for healthy inflammatory and immune
    response. It makes a nice carrier oil!

All of the above is good news, but what makes Primrose oil
exciting is that it's a natural treatment for people with diabetic

Diabetics occasionally have difficulty producing GLA, which is
found in Primrose Oil and fish oil. "
GLA has been shown in
studies to prevent the deterioration of diabetic neuropathy and,
in some cases, even reverse the condition," Dr. Julian Whitaker
explains in an article the treatment for diabetic neuropathy. He
recommends taking fish oil which also contains GLA.

Learn to recognize the signs of diabetes:
People who have diabetes will notice they have wounds that are
slow to heal, but usually the first signs of diabetes can include
any of the following:
  • Excessive thirst  (polydipsia)
  • Excessive hunger (polyphagia)
  • Frequent urination (polyuria)

If you have a child with diabetes, you may notice in your child:
  • Bedwetting (a possible sign of polyuria)
  • Fruity smelling breath (a possible sign of Ketosis or Diabetic
  • Sweet smelling urine
  • Weight loss
  • Blurry vision
  • Extreme weakness
  • Wounds that don't heal well
  • Abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting
  • Changes or loss of menstruation

If you notice any of the signs of diabetes above, then consult
with your family physician.

You can survive your condition during an emergency or help
someone in your family or group who has diabetes. Prepare to
live happily ever after, starting with planning your off-grid
refrigeration, stockpiling medical supplies and diabetic foods, and
looking to natural remedies.

As a reminder, nothing on this page is to substitute medical
advice from your family practitioner. Consult a physician regarding
any herbs or essential oils or dietary supplements you take.
Sometimes even natural foods interfere with medications, which
is why it's important to have detailed conversations about what
you plan to do in an emergency. Every situation is unique. Always
seek consultation with a qualified medical team.

How to survive diabetes in an emergency
You can survive diabetes in crisis. So now you have some things
to think about to help you survive diabetes in a long-term
emergency. Preppers who have diabetes, both Type I and Type II,
should take note of what plants to eat and grow and what
essential oils and alternative medications to stockpile. Even if
you don't have diabetes, you can now help someone with a
diabetic emergency.

Happy endings...
Even under ordinary circumstances, having diabetes is a challenge.
To have a happy ending after a disaster, always have hope. It's
true that glycemic control often deteriorates after disasters and
increases risk for infections and diabetic keteacidosis
(hyperglycemia), and preppers who have Type II diabetes will
fare better in crisis than those who have Type I diabetes.

As a diabetic you know that Type I is more severe (about 10% of
all diabetics have this type of diabetes), and you know that if you
are a diabetics with Type II you will fare better because you can
still produce your own insulin and possibly reverse your condition.
And while complications can transpire for Type II diabetic
patients who need dialysis, it's important to always have hope!

Always have hope for the best. There are always things you can
do to help you or your loved ones survive diabetes in crisis when
you are creative and resourceful. Be sure to have hope and tell
those around you about the condition, as you may get extra
resources to get you through.

If you are pre-diabetic, look into White Kidney Bean Extract,  
which helps control blood sugar! Lots of natural options exist.

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Warnings: As with all essential oils, do not use internally. Essential oils for
consumption must be food grade and taken with caution. Consult with a
physician or healthcare practitioner if you are pregnant or nurse. Also, do not
use essential oils in eyes or on eyelids, and keep of reach of children.

* For any health or dietary matter, consult your Doctor before using. These products
are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. For any health or
dietary matter, always consult your physician. This information is intended for your
general knowledge only and is not a substitute for professional medical advice or
treatment for specific medical conditions. Never disregard or delay in seeking medical
advice when available. As a reminder, these statements about extracts have not been
evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration.

** Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This
information is intended for your general knowledge only and is not a substitute for
professional medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Never
disregard or delay in seeking medical advice when available. For any health or dietary
matter, consult your physician.

Prepare to live happily ever after with us at - the emergency
preparedness Web site of prepping, survival,
homesteading, and self-reliance.
Foot care for people with diabetes is always important, but even more so in
times of crisis.

Avoid trench foot (also called immersion foot).
Diabetics can take a lesson from soldiers to avoid trench foot. In
the trenches, soldiers of World War II were taught to keep feet
dry and clean. It hadn't previously occurred to the military that
the continual water and dirt caused such a severe problems as did
sweaty feet. Trench foot is the disease that happens when a
traveler crosses many streams with dry ground in between. Socks
never get the chance to dry between. Feet become white and
wrinkled. Chafing then ensues making walking painful. Frostbite
and trench foot during the Battle of the Bulge disabled more
soldiers than the enemy did!

Stockpile diabetic socks.
During long-term crisis, such as an economic depression or
personal job loss, fresh socks are a luxury! For a diabetic, such
socks improve overall well being and are even more important.
Always have a fresh set of diabetic socks ready. Clean and dry
feet are important as discussed above, but diabetic socks are for
everyday use.

  • Why wear diabetic socks? Socks with minimal compression
    are important to promote good circulation. Diabetic socks are
    unrestrictive of circulation to help minimize the risk of foot
    ulcers! As well, some diabetic socks wick away moisture,
    which can minimize risk of infection. Pictured right are Dr.
    Scholl's Diabetic socks. These non-binding, odor-resistant
    socks allow proper circulation, and also offer a non irritating
    toe seam. This is the brand trusted by more than 1000
    reviewers on Amazon.

Pay attention to diabetic foot care.
During crisis more than ever you should pay attention to good
hygiene and foot care. Here are seven basic rules.
  1. Diabetics should wear socks at all times and never walk
  2. Since your feet are less sensitive, always check your shoes
    for rocks, cracks and deformities.
  3. Don't cross your legs for long periods of time.
  4. Protect your feet from hot and cold temperatures when
    bathing your feet. Dip your elbow in the water to test.
  5. Wash feet daily (even in crisis) ensure you also dry feet
    thoroughly between each toe.
  6. Lotion your feet daily, but do not put lotion between your
  7. Wear diabetic socks. Diabetic socks can aid a person with
    diabetes by offering a comfortable, loose fit. Minimal
    compression to promote good circulation.

#7: Have supplies handy for wound care.
Wound care is especially important for diabetics as well as even
simple cuts and scrapes can go unnoticed and lead to
complications, such as gangrene and amputation.

Cuts, scrapes and bruises over time can lead to nerve damage as
the injuries are slow to heal. The nerve damage causes numbness
or the "pins and needles" pains.

#8: Understand the importance of trace elements and
vitamins and nutrients.
Joe Alton, M.D. (a.k.a Dr. Bones) of
recommends many of the trace elements and vitamins listed
below. See his Web site, doomand above for his specific

List of trace elements, vitamins and nutrients beneficial for
diabetics (please consult your physician to regarding this list):

  • Alpha-lipoic acid - a versatile water and fat soluble
    metabolic antioxidant, alpha-lipoic acid is a potent free
    radical quencher that aids other vitamins in their antioxidant
  • Berberine - is immune support you can find in a capsule
    form or in herbs such as amaranth, chaparral, goldenseal,
    oregon grapefruit, and philodendron. When you read the
    reviews of Berberine Plus (click the image right), you'll soon
    be a believer in the power of Berberine Plus!
  • Chromium
  • Fish oil
  • Ginkgo Biloba
  • Guggul - a natural plant steroid that lowers cholesterol and
    balances fat metabolism
  • Gymnema Sylvestre - this woody climbing shrub, native to
    India and Africa, has a long history of use in Ayurvedic
    medicine in supporting people with diabetes. The Hindi
    name, gurmar, means "destroyer of sugar."
  • Magnesium - stimulates the pancreas working to create
    insulin again! Try an Epsom Salt soak.
  • Vanadium
  • Vitamins B1, B6, B12
  • Vitamin C:
  • Vitamin D. Be sure to get plenty of sunshine so your body
    can fully absorb the Vitamin D.
  • Vitamin E.
  • Vitamin K (read what Dr. Mercola has to say about Vitamin K)
  • White Mulberry leaf powder - helps prevent spikes in blood
    sugar levels.
  • Zinc
Above, is the Active 1st Complete Diabetes Testing Kit, which has
everything you need to test your blood glucose levels.

The insulin cooler, pictured right, keeps diabetics medication
cool. Freeze the thin insulated pack in the freezer overnight for
minimum 12 hours using the bonus drawstring bag to keep your
case clean before travelling with your temperature-sensitive
medication and supplies on the road or in a plane. No mess and
no need to worry about maintaining the coolness of your

#5: Become an expert on insulin.
Diabetics are intimately familiar with insulin, which is a hormone
manufactured in response to a rising blood sugar level. They
know their type of diabetes (Type I = juvenile  or Type II - adult
onset). Each will require a different emergency response plan.

Insulin prescriptions.
In the United States, insulin requires a prescription to purchase.
Prescriptions make stockpiling insulin difficult if not impossible.
Unfortunately, insurance companies make it difficult to get
supplies lasting more than around three months.

  • Getting more insulin. As a prepper, getting more insulin is
    the biggest problem. See if you can get a prescription far
    beyond six months. You may be able to score extra insulin
    for your preps by [rabbit ears] losing your insulin [rabbit
    ears]. It may seem unethical, but if the insurance companies
    are going to play a game, then so can you! Have a
    conversation with your physician and explain your
    preparedness and how difficult it might be during a
    hurricane, earthquake, or tornado to get replacement
    prescriptions. Explain that you're keeping extra stashes with
    friends and relatives to ensure you always have a supply.

    Another way to get more insulin is to check in with others in
    the diabetic community. Find out if there are support groups.
    Prescriptions change and you could possibly get someone
    else's previously prescribed insulin that hasn't expired.
    Sometimes a person switches from multiple daily injections
    therapy to pump therapy. You may be able to get unexpired
    insulin vials, pens or syringes also from people who've
    passed away. There are several other scenarios where you
    might be able to score your prescription. Form a "diabetic
    preppers" support group to see if you can swap with others.
Zeer pots. Zeer pot refrigeration is simple solution for keeping

#4: Gather a go bag of diabetic emergency supplies.
The American Diabetes Association recommends storing a three-
day of diabetic supplies, but that's inadequate for a prepper. You
may need to survive three weeks or more without refrigeration or
access to supplies. Think about Puerto Rico's problems in 2017.
While the first 72-hours following a disaster are critical,
preparations must be more significant.

  • Alcohol swabs / antiseptic wipes for skin preparation.
  • Blood lancets and lancing device
  • Blood glucose meter
  • Blood sugar diary with pencil
  • Copies of prescriptions (in case it's possible to refill)
  • Cotton ball, tissues, bandage
  • Insulin, insulin pump, pills
  • Glucose tablets or quick acting source of glucose
  • Glucagon kit handy in case of severe hypoglycemia.
  • Notebook to keep a diary of your blood sugar
  • Urine ketone testing strips
  • Syringes (and receptacle for disposing syringes).
  • Test strips

Other diabetic prepping supplies for the go bag:

**NOTE: Heat and humidity can damage blood glucose meters
and test strips

Diabetic food supplies:
Sqwuincher Zero

#2: Stock up on glucose tablets.
When blood sugar levels are out of control a person with diabetes
can get short-term problems like hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, or
diabetic ketoacidosis.
Glucose chewable tablets are made of a
simple sugar to help raise low blood sugar fast and boost energy!
Right, Dex4 Fast Acting Glucose is available in raspberry, and
several other flavors.  Some medical conditions may interact with
glucose chewable tablets, so be sure to ask your physician.

You can also use your
food saver to repackage hard candies.

#3: If you can afford a solar refrigerator, get one!
Obviously you'll always have to avoid having insulin in direct
sunlight and stock as much ice as you can for emergencies, but
did you know that insulin can be stored at room temperature for
up to 28 days? So says the New Jersey state health department
in their
diabetes emergency guide. Even so, knowing that your
supplies are safe during a power outage provides peace of mind.

Your supplies are better protected refrigerated. Thankfully as a
prepper you have a generator to ensure you always have
refrigeration, but what will you do when there's no more gas for
the generator?
Solar refrigerators provide the answer and the
price is coming down.

The technology available for off-grid refrigeration is essential to
preppers who have diabetes, but other methods of off grid
refrigeration for diabetics to consider include:

  • Cold packs. It's always good to have several cold packs on
    hand, not only for injury but for the specific purpose of
    keeping diabetic supplies cool.

  • Portable refrigerators and ice makers. The little red
    icemaker, right, produces 26 pounds of ice in 24 hours. You
    could attach it to a generator and then use a cooler. Or you
    can hook it to an RV with a cord.

  • Streams, rivers, and lakes. A prepper family featured on
    Doomsday Preppers shared a unique plan to keeping their
    diabetic supplies cool. Plan B was to use the cooling waters
    of a nearby cool stream. If you live near a stream, lake or
    river then all the better, if not you'll need another plan.

  • Yeti cooler. Below, the Yeti cooler is not cheap, but it's also
    not just marketing hype. This is a superior ice chest that's
    pretty much "grizzly proof."
Survive diabetes in crisis
Prepping with Diabetes (emergency preparedness)

Survival in an emergency is possible for people who have diabetes.
It's not an easy road ahead for preppers who have diabetes, but
managing diabetes through a crisis is possible with preparation.

Here's a prepper's perspective on how to survive diabetes in an
emergency. Preppers who have diabetes, both Type I and Type II,
should take note of what plants to eat and grow and what
essential oils and alternative medications to stockpile...

Prepping with Diabetes: how to be prepared
Surviving through crisis means having more solutions than
problems. When you approach diabetes preparedness in this way,
you can solve the problems at hand. The ideas below take either
ingenuity or money, sometimes both, but it can be done!

Here are some considerations to save the life of diabetic prepper:

#1: Dehydration is a major factor for people with
Water is life and even more important for people with diabetes
because their
risk for dehydration is greater, so be sure to always
keep a diabetic patient hydrated. For people with diabetes, a
higher-than-normal blood glucose depletes fluids. The individual
with diabetes has kidneys that work extra hard to get rid of
glucose, which is why the higher the blood glucose, the more
fluids a person with diabetes should drink.

  • Dehydration signs may include: dark colored urine, sunken
    eyes, rapid heartbeat, confusion, lethargy and low blood

Remedy the dehydration problem by offering plenty of water.
Other diabetic hydration drinks to look for and stockpile include:

  1. Everly Hydration. Drink more water by infusing it with
    delicious fruit flavors, so you can stay hydrated and enjoy
    what you drink. Everly offers healthy drink mixes that are all
    natural, sugar free, zero calorie, and enhanced with vitamins
    and fruit extracts. It contains no artificial sweeteners like
    aspartame or sucralose ~ they use natural Stevia leaf
    extract to sweeten drink mixes.  Everly is a healthy
    alternative to soda, fruit juice, artificial low calorie drinks,
    artificial water enhancers, and sugary sports drinks. It's a
    safe and tasty drink for diabetics, dieters, and other non-
    sugar lifestyles.
  2. Chammomile tea. Tea is a survival tool and even more so
    for people with diabetes. Chamomile teal in particular boosts
    insulin level for those with diabetes. Chamomile tea offers
    help for those with diabetes complications, including vision
    loss, and nerve and kidney damage!
  3. Sqwincher sugar-free electrolyte powder. Pictured below,
    Sqwincher Zero has half the sodium and more potassium
    compared to other electrolyte replacement beverages:
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Caretouch Lancing device
Chamomile Tea
Diabetic Nerve Pain
Ceylon Cinnamon Leaf Essential Oil
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