How to avoid Coronavirus

Emesis bags (vomit bags)
Pandemic response kit
Biohazard and quarantine
Oscillococcinium for flu-like symptoms
Steramine Quaternizing Tablets
How to set up a quarantine at home
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Survival Medicine Handbook
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Camping toilet kit
Above, Coronavirus lyrics using Simon & Garfunkel's "Sound of Silence, by
Singaporian Alvin Oon.

The video above from Singapore takes a light-hearted approach to
educating others about Coronavirus. There's so much we don't know
and it's likely that the Chinese government is trying to hide a
massive problem, but thankfully the U.S. has taken some steps to
limit the contagion. U.S. citizens who recently visited the Hubei
Province, must submit to a 14-day quarantine when re-entering.

We must all improve our hygienic practices to stop the spread of
this Coronavirus and other

Happy endings...
Thankfully the virus hasn't been as aggressively quick and as
deadly as SARS (Sever Acute Respiratory Syndrome) or MERS
(Middle East Respiratory Syndrome) which are among the seven

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* Products on this page are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. For any
health or dietary matter, always consult your physician. This information is intended for your general
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medical conditions. Never disregard or delay in seeking medical advice when available.

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Above, Dr. Amesh Adalja explains whether surgical masks really keep you
healthy and shares insight on how to protect yourself from the Coronavirus.

Here are the steps to preventing Coronavirus:

Step one: Order a NIOSH-approved N95 Respirator.
Order an N95 respirator now, so you don't have to stand in line
with others who are potentially infected later. A NIOSH-approved
N95 is the correct mask to order because it protects the wearer
by fully overing the mouth. An N95 mask will help prevent
inhalation of airborne germs, but they aren't a totally fail-proof
method. The are still your best bet if you have a proper fit and it
is not loose on the sides and have an 80% efficacy rate. Skip to
step six to learn how to use the N95 mask properly.

An N95 mask helps block the greatest number of airborne germs
and is the best method for preventing the virus from getting into
your mouth and nose because it's disposable. They restrict air
intake and are difficult to wear all day, but not impossible.

Note: A gas mask is  obviously not disposable, though you may
be able to find one with a virus filter, you risk accidentally
infecting your gas mask in reusing it. Also, gas masks are
intended for short periods of wear.

Step two: wash hands often, ensure others do.
It can't be understated. Wash your hands. It's more effective
than an N95 respirator. It's in your hands the power to fight the
virus. Currently in the United States, the most effective thing you
can do to prevent Coronavirus is to wash hands and take your
time washing them. It's your primary defense. Wash your hands
using warm water and soap for twenty seconds, which is about
the length of the alphabet song.

Wash your hands often:
  • When preparing food, wash your hands first.
  • Before you eat, wash your hands.
  • If you cough or sneeze, wash your hands.
  • After using the restroom, wash your hands.
  • Wash hands directly after coming home from school, work or
    the grocery store.
  • If you pump gas, use a public phone or computer, touch a
    public railing or door nob wash your hands.
  • Don't touch animals and if you do, wash your hands
    immediately afterwards
  • Even if you've used a hand sanitizer, wash your hands when
    you get the next opportunity to wash with soap and water.

Step three: Do the Dracula Cough, use tissues.
Americans can help minimize the spread of the Coronavirus and
other illnesses with two simple actions. They can take control of
how they cough and sneeze and can teach others.

  • Cough and sneeze into your elbow as though you are Dracula
    and are bringing your cape around your face.

  • Anti-viral tissues will help minimize the spread to others.
    Use antiviral tissues and dispose of them properly.

Step four: Keep your distance.
Keep six-feet away from anyone who may be infected. Someone
who sneezes or coughs spreads droplets of saliva or mucus
through the air and this is how the virus spreads. The virus
transfers from person-to-person directly when inhaled or when
transferred to the eyes, nose or mouth when a person touches an
infected surface.

Stay away from sick people! Minimize trips to the doctors office,
for example, and reschedule your annual physical.

Step five: Disinfect surfaces.
While the illness is new, the Coronaviruses spread through cough
and sneeze droplets. Did you know that viruses survive longer on
metal, plastic and other hard surfaces than they do on fabrics
and soft surfaces?

The Center's for Disease Control (CDC) says to "Clean and
disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces" as a way to
help stop the spread of Coronavirus.

Hard surfaces that you should disinfect include:
  • Your cellphone.
  • Your computer keyboard and mouse.
  • Door handles.
  • School desks.

Step six: Use a pandemic mask properly.
If you're using a pandemic mask, such as an N95 Respirator,
ensure you're using it properly.
  • Look for a respirator with a valve for easier breathing (you'll
    be less likely to take it off).
  • Before putting on the mask, wash your hands.
  • Cup your hand and place the mask in your palm.
  • Position the mask over your nose and chin.
  • Pull the top strap over your head and position above your
  • Pull the bottom strap over your head and position below
    your ears.
  • Clamp the metal over the bridge of your nose using finger
    tips down both sides of the nose piece.
  • Do a fit check by cupping both your hands over the facemask
    and exhale. If air leaks at the masks edges, adjust the
  • Wear a respirator only once.
  • Don't remove your mask.
  • Don' touch your face under the mask.
  • Do not combine with essential oils.
  • Masks offer limited protection (uncovered eyes risk exposure)

Step six: Leave your shoes at the door.
The soles of your shoes bring contagion from the outside into
your home. A quick and easy solution that can effectively
minimize contagion coming into your home this is leave your
shoes at the door.

Step seven: Avoid flight travel and population risks.
Viruses don't discriminate. Don't let others shame you into
visiting populations that may have had exposure to people
who've been to Wuhan or regions around Hubei Province. There's
no need to visit San Francisco's Chinatown or in Los Angeles near
the city's civic and cultural center where people may have
recently returned from the area.

Things to Stockpile for Coronavirus
There are many items you can stockpile now in anticipation of the
Coronavirus coming to America in full force:

  • 2: Stockpile liquid soaps. Hand sanitizers are no substitute
    for washing your hands in warm soap and water. The best
    option is self-dispensing liquid soaps to minimize the spread
    of germs.

  • 3: Stockpile facial tissues. The best facial tissues to
    stockpile for Coronavirus or other pandemic are anti-viral

  • 4: Stockpile goggles. Eye protection is an area that many
    are not discussing, but eye protection was a factor in
    preventing the spread of Ebola and it is a factor in the
    spread of Coronavirus. Droplets in the air will reach your
    eyes and get you ill. The only way to prevent that is to
    provide an adequate barrier. Glasses are not enough.
    Goggles surround the entire eye. You may be able to buy
    disposable goggles at the dollar stores. Quality goggles are
    good to have. Be sure to wash hands before placing goggles
    on your face. If you are going to reuse them, be sure to
    disinfect them before re-using. CaviWipes, right, can help
    you disinfect.

  • 6: Stockpile disinfectants. Ensure you have the best
    disinfectants on hand. Some of the best disinfectants to
    consider to combat this outbreak and get through cold and
    flu season:

  • 7: Stockpile probiotics and immune support. Keep your
    body healthy with preventive measures. When you hydrate
    and nourish your body, you provide a good start to
    combating any illness that may come your way. You can add
    dietary supplements for immune support.

  • 8: Stockpile Electrolytes. Hoarding electrolytes is something
    especially important in preparation for a pandemic when
    there is no doctor ~ and it's equally important for personal
    illness to have on hand to save a trip to the store.
    Electrolytes are an important combination of calcium,
    chloride, potassium and sodium that help provide the
    electrical currents to keep your body running. Electrolyte
    replenish your body with these minerals to keep you moving
    after strenuous exercise and they help keep your body
    hydrated. Electrolytes are essential to life!

The song below adds a little levity to the grave situation.
NIOSH-approved N95 respirator by 3M
Beyond an N95 Mask: how to survive Coronavirus
Dr. Price's Electrolyte Mix
Avoiding Coronavirus
Beyond an N95 Mask: how to survive Coronavirus

How to avoid Coronavirus.
Beyond an N95 respirator there things you can do now to survive
Coronavirus. Learn how to wear the right mask and what else you
can do to prevent Coronavirus. Prevention is always the best
medicine and now more than ever this is important to remember
the things you can do daily to prevent infection in the United

Take appropriate precautions now because there's no vaccine to
prevent 2019-nCoV infection and during incubation there are no
symptoms. Below are things you can do beyond wearing a
pandemic mask...

How to Avoid Coronavirus (2019-nCov)
It isn't too late to stop the Coronavirus and everyone in America
can take action and do more than simply wear an N95 respirator.
Preventing the transmission of 2019-nCov infection is everyone's
responsibility. Below are actions you can take in preventing the
spread of Coronavirus in America. Teach your children. Share
these tips with your coworkers, friends and family. Lead by
example to prevent Coronavirus.

Will a pandemic mask really protect the wearer from Coronavirus?
Learn more in the video below...
Infection formula
Nitrile Glover
Chemical goggles made in the USA
Anti-fog Goggles
Check again
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